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Richard Lionheart
Great Store! Went looking for something and found it and more.
Thank you Karin!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

*Also Karin, nun auch von mir ein ganz großes Lob an dich .*Super, was du dir für eine Wahnsinns-Arbeit da machst, viele wertschätzen deine viele Arbeit gar nicht, die dort drin steckt. Es ist nicht so selbstverständlich, dass die Shops hier in OS alle Leutchen mit kostenlosen Items versorgen und man sich selber diese Arbeit nicht machen muss.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Milly Money
Wonderful shopping my friends and I shopped till we dropped (well almost!). So good to find this, will come back again and again, thank you!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Lannorra Sion
It is amazing that you made all these wonderful clothes and are giving them away! Beautiful things. Thank you!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Dorena Verne
Werde dort gerne wieder vorbeischauen, keine Gruppe nötig, hochwertige Sachen und eine freundliche Atmosphäre. Leider nicht selbstverständlich anderorts. :-)

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Star Ravenhurst
This is one of my favorite Designers and I am so thankful to have such beautiful clothing to wear. My Avatar is a classic I have had since beginning in OS 7 years ago (I have tweaked the shape a LOT) and it is often hard to find nice system clothing. I think I "bought" out the store! They also have a lot of nice clothing for men. Be sure to look outside the shops as well because they have many unique decor and landscaping items. I would give more than 5 stars if I could.

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report


dat is ja mal wieder typisch karin ....
ne echte frechheit was die frau an klamotten raus haut und macht. da kann man vor Neid ja kaputt gehen weiter so karin

dat is once again typical karin ....
a real impudence what this woman hands out and creates. ull doe of envie go on like this karin

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Nexus Storm
Great build grate clothing and home items all presented beautifully

2 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Michelle Hartley
Fabulous place to go shopping, and its all FREE, unlike some places I could mention.

3 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Gentle Dragonheart
HUGE collection of clothes, costumes, accessories and so much more. if you need an outfit for roleplay or halloween this is the place to go to. A lot of the clothing has been custom textured and so even the stuff I've seen elsewhere looks different, and often: better, here. I will definitely be back for more, thank you so very much Karin for all the work you have clearly put into this.

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

nice lay out some great item , well done to the owner of this Region :)

11 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

WOW! HUGE place with so many choices...very nicely decorated with a sophisticated atmosphere. There is a men's section too!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

One of the best original design clothes in OpenSIM! Love all your designs!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Tigerkitti Eberdene
Love your dresses. Very well done!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Absolutely gorgeous Mall!! This is stunning for sure!! And the choices for clothing, men and women, fantastic!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful place!!!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Great clothing is like an adventure there so shopping is so much easier cause it's beautiful it's just absolutely awesome a great place to shop not a worry or a care just enjoy walking around and seeing everything and getting what you want or need I found it quite a few things that I like him for some of them yesterday for my events so thank you for sharing

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

I would recommend Camballa to anyone that is looking for that special dress, or outift. The store is well stocked for every kind of taste a person could have...

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Le daría 10 estrellas ,es el mejor sitio para comprar vestidos de fiestas y de boda ,son maravillosos,
para quien le guste ir a lugares elegantes y/ o románticos es el lugar ideal ♥

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Alter Kater
Mit viel Liebe und Arbeit erstelltes Einkaufscenter, Wunderschön!
Shopping center created with a lot of love and work, Beautiful!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

wow. this place has THE MOST variety of unique items I've seen. I came looking for a dress, and left with 20+ fun roleplay items that I didn't even know I needed. Thank you so much!

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report
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