Hey guys, I have some exciting great news about the E Grid, and some semi-bad news. Well it isn't really bad as such, more of a heads up.
So the semi bad first: From the 11th to the 24th of March, the Grid will be completely down, as we install and work on upgrading new regions and doing massive multiple backups. They are BIG backups, and it can't do them correctly with the grid running, sadly.
As you already see, Builds Ahoy seems down for the most, due to the crash at Osgrid.
We are backing up and then backing up again.
The good news:
We're going to be back fully, with most or all of our former regions. We have a new Server situation and its going to allow us to do this.
I will be adding lands today here, bear in mind most will be up 24/7 but not all. We have a good amount of large lands, and in order to do this, at times a few will be offline. Again please remember we'll be down totally 11th to 24th this month. We're doing this to safeguard ALL our assets in multiple places.
Have a great day and please bear with me as we bring back E Grid fully :)