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Freebie Store 2024


Zoey Cutey
Too bad they completely erased those of us who were members in Glimmerwind. You are 2 sided/faced and should be ashamed...

2 years ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

Ketsu Anaguma
Would be better if the sim was more stable. Like, buy barely works even when you spam the buy command. There's still take copy that works better but alot of items can only be bought.

4 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report


5 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

It definitely needs to be more stable, 1/2 the time I can't even TP there, either it says unable to connect, or the region is disabled, and when I did get in there to the freebie store, about 3/4 of stuff that is supposed to be free and able to take a copy, I couldn't, because they weren't set to allow to take a copy, and some were set to buy fo $0, but when I tried that, it said I wasn't authenticated.

Well, I guess this and other grids/regions show that opensim is just not ready for the public yet.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Michelle Hartley
Hi Josh. What's happened to the Freebie Mall ?

4 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Thank you so much for the awesome things and for sharing, I love them. The host are great always ready to help. I appreach each and everyone of you.

4 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Passion Jumanji
I come to this grid a LOT! ;) When they say MASSIVE . . . they mean MASSIVE! ;) ;) ;) TY for all the great freebies & Keep up the great work! 5 Stars go out to you ;) KUDOS!

4 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

quaezar Agnomen
Awesome place with greats hosts !

5 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Great place! Many choices!

5 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Great free shopping!!!

5 years ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

All i can say is Wow, What A Packed sim, some great Items Here, Highly Recommended, Kudos to the sim Owner , Thanks

1 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

wow cant find the forest because of the much of trees

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

A mi me ha encantado el lugar, tiene cositas muy interesantes cocinas ,muebles auxiliares ,lámparas y cositas de deco , es cierto que va algo lento pero bueno, para que sirven las prisas? venga os doy 5

2 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Great Place to show had so much fun Just looking around , The owner is a pleasure to talk very Helpful thank you for sharing

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Erro ao logar com lumiya oque fazer?

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Great sim! Wow I had a lot of fun here. So many awesome freebies! Thank you so much :) :)

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Jude Connors
This store is nothing short of amazing.

A must-see stop on the hypergrid.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

I love this location! They now have a Telport hud for the store which makes it very easy to find everything and now everything is priced too.
They went through a remodel this summer (2021) had the area was lacking during that, but now that it is done, it is AMAZING! I love it! I can get pretty much everything I need from here. As for the "parts and naughty stuff" I can get those in AviWorlds at Gay Nations (region name). They used to be at this store, but because this store is a G sim, they moved all the naughty stuff to Gay Nations region which is an Adult sim. So now it is all available again at these two very well stocked loactions!

3 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

I love your freebies, thank you very much

4 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Aviworlds is One of the Best places in Opensim. Freebie store is packed and lots more to see all over the grid. The Admins are really helpful and friendly even the owner came to help me when i had a problem..

4 years ago - mark as helpful (1) - report
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