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With a broken heart, I inform you that our dear friend and lover of Virtual Worlds, Veritas McMaster, passed away in a house fire trying to save her beloved cockatoo Sophie.

Derrybeg Arabello: I did not know Veri .. very well, only chatted in passing. She seemed to me like a very sweet and caring person, and of course, she'd care enough about her bird to go back for it. We need more peo... 2 years ago
Plötzlich und unerwaret schlief am 4.12. mein liebster Rudi unser Grid Vater ein

Ich bin nur ins Zimmer nebenan gegangen.
Nichts ist passiert.
Alles bleibt genauso wie es war.

Ich bin ich, und ihr seid ihr, und das alte Leben, das wir so liebevoll zusammen lebten, ist unberührt und unverändert.
Was auch immer wir füreinander waren, das sind wir noch.
Ruft mich mit meinem alten vertrauten Namen.
Sprecht von mir in derselben selbstverständlichen Redeweise, die ihr immer benutzt habt.
Macht keinen Unterschied im Ton.
Erzeugt keine gezwungene Atmospäre der Feierlichkeit oder des Kummers.
Lacht, wie wir immer über die kleinen Späße lachten, die wir gemeinsam genossen haben.
Spielt, lächelt, denkt an mich, betet für mich.

Lasst meinen Namen immer vertraut und alltäglich bleiben, wie er es bisher auch war.
Lasst ihn ohne Anstrengung gesprochen werden, ohne einen geisterhaften Schatten.

Das Leben bedeutet alles, was es vorher auch bedeutet hat.
Es ist dasselbe wie es immer war. Es gibt absolute und ununterbrochene Kontinuität.
Was ist dieser Tod anderes als ein vernachlässigbarer Unfall?
Warum sollte ich aus eurem Sinn sein, nur weil ihr mich nicht mehr sehen könnt?
Ich warte in der Zwischenzeit auf euch, irgendwo ganz in der Nähe, gleich um die Ecke.

Alles ist gut.

Nichts ist verletzt; nichts ist verloren .
Ein kurzer Moment und alles wird so sein wie früher.
Wie werden wir über die Mühen des Abschieds lachen, wenn wir uns wiedersehen!

Tatum: I've known rudi a little bit (under different avis), but I do remember one of the nicest and most kind people of OS. Rest well my friendly friend! My condolences to friends and family! 2 years ago
„Jetzt leuchten die Kerzen überall. Deshalb ich wünsche Euch, dass deren Wärme und Geborgenheit Euch durch das gesamte Jahr begleitet. Habt ein frohes Weihnachtsfest!“
"Now the candles shine everywhere. Therefore, I wish you that their warmth and security will accompany you throughout the year. Have a Merry Christmas!" Von mir auch frohe Weihnachten 2 years ago

Amelie and Felix _Wedding Invitation
Piazza di Spagna,Roma #arkhamgrid
Live Music Rogue Galaxy,Edison Rex

Ankhsenaton: Congratulations! :-) kisses !! I hope I will be able to be with you, (but I dont find how to go to Piazza di Spagna for now ) 3 months ago
Wir wünschen Allen ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest. Danke allen die uns 2022 unterstützt haben.

We wish everyone a merry Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supported us in 2022.

Vi önskar alla en god jul. Tack till alla som stöttat oss under 2022.

Adult_life: Dir lieber Marlon, Deiner und allen anderen im Grid auch von mir frohe Weihnachten und eine besinnliche Zeit. 2 years ago
Now today i added this set that is not part of the calendar located at the Advents Calendar Set up !
All located at my Mainstore......
Come Running Lovelies..........
and a wonderful Christmas season....

NEW!!!! Cassidy Dress

Someone asked to see a PBR mirror in Opensim so here's mine. Use the latest Firestorm viewer and make sure mirrors are enabled in your graphics settings. You can find the instructions to make your own here:

Sabrinastav: I sincerely admire your creations and I think you are one of the people who knows the most about these things in Opensim, but I must say that your post was directed to Mirrors specifically, and not to... 2 months ago
I am a little confused because I see people complaining when they go to regions and try to copy stuff and get upset when it comes up "no copy" or there is a sign posted to the region that says, "Items here are not copiable". Some may not like what I have to say and some may agree with it, either way I don't care. The most of the things on my residential or educational regions are built by me. Not that I don't get furniture and plants which I can't build yet, but I do my own building and my builds are unique to my regions, made specifically for them, so you'll excuse me if I don't feel like sharing that with everybody and anybody who comes along. I did the work, I made the effort, I designed it and I did so to make it unique so why should I have to share it? Can you not come up with your own ideas and use your own creative juices to make your own unique things? Yes Open Sim is free, but that doesn't mean that just because someone is using it, they have to "give" everybody else their stuff that they've created and built. I've seen nowhere in the literature about Open Sim that it says you have to share your stuff. What it does do is give you a platform in which to create, develop and design for other people to enjoy.
Now I can understand if it's stuff that people know full well has been pirated from Second Life, which a large percentage of stuff in Open Sim is, however there are some outstanding creators, programmers, scripters, developers and designers who make their own original materials and if they chose to charge for that stuff that's their right, though I know most of them do not, they give it away freely out of the goodness of their heart. That said, I do give my stuff away, but it is located in our Masala Al Kohav region which is a whole region of nothing but freebies which includes original content and those things I've picked up from around Open Sim. The one thing I try to do is make sure that the original creator's name is on it and I can tell you that if it's pirated from Second Life the creator's name that you will see is NOT the original creator. So, here's the deal, if you visit any of my regions in that are open to the public to visit, and you see something you like, just go to our Masala Al Kohav region and you'll probably find the very same item there all boxed up and ready to go for you. If you see something you like in one of my regions, and it's not in our Mall Region, just shoot me a message and ask me nicely, you'll probably get the item in a couple of days depending on how often I'm on.
If you don't like how I do things, just remember this....You don't pay my grid costs.

Racci: I can respect people's opinions either way. Some people don't like copybotting, and sharing freely, then fine.. that is their choice, probably best for them to stay out of Opensim. I can also respect ... 2 years ago
NEW Tattoos arrived!!!!
You can find new BOM Tattoos at our skymall.
The Tattoos are most Unisex!
Just come to the Welcome and look for the Teleporters to the skymall.
One is at the landingpoint and at every side of the stairs is another one.
BTW we update the skymall as often we can.
Have fun shopping!!!

The Mare- Team

May peace, hope, and love be this season’s present to you personally!
Have a peaceful Advent Season

BELZE: Das ChuBelz Grid wünscht eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit :-) 12 months ago

New !!!! Glafi Outfit inc.Black Jacket
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping :))

Happy Valentine♥♥♥ New Gown for Valentine

JeanDagostino: wünsche dir auch frohe sweety♥ 2 years ago

Moonrose Winter Shopping is open most of the items are copyable on 01.12 2023 there is again an Advent calendar .I wish you a nice time

NEW!!! Mariana Dress
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping:)

For Valentine there is a new Dress every day. To be found at the shopping mall.

in cooperation with Mare- Grid

New @ Moonrose Mall
Viola Dress


snik snoodle: Man is only really dead when no one thinks of him anymore 2 years ago

NEW!! Kelly Outfit
Hud driven Top/Thong
Happy Shopping:))

New !!@ Moonrose Shopping

*Ein Hauch von Nichts*
*A touch of nothing*

Neue Ware eingetroffen
New goods arrived

SabiBreen: nice 2 years ago

DAVISS BoM Body v10 UPDATE AUGUST 2024 Kingman City region

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

NEW Outfit
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

Jerralyn Franzic: Happy Easter 2 years ago
New arrived!!
Visit our new Shop, made by Lulu Evergreen.
The first things are arrived at her new shop, so come and take a look.
Maybe you find something special for you.
Lulus Fashion is at our skymall at the 2nd floor
Have fun shopping

I just Open a New Shop Soft Thighs
where you can find garter and stocking

Wie auch im letzen jahr gibt es auf der Shopping mall ein Advents kalender.24 Geschenke warten auf euch

Like last year, there is an Advent Calendar on the shopping mall. 24 gifts waiting for you
Nach Umzug in ein besseres Grid wurde meine Mall wieder eröffnet.

After moving to a better grid, my mall reopened.

*Lingerie *
*Beachwaer *

Ich freue mich über euren Besuch.
I'm looking forward to your visit.

Sylvia-Koeln: Thx Chris 6 hours ago

Happy Easter! Have a great Time filled with joy and lots of yummy Easter eggs!

Crazyposeidon: HAPPY EASTER / Frohe Ostern wünschen wir euch allen C&C 2 years ago

NEW!!! Blair Outfit Black/ White

Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr

NEW!!!! @ Moonrose Shopping

New Shopping Region
with a selection for Legacy,Ebody,Lara x

♬ Arkham Grid Birthday Party ♬

Happy Christmas time!!!

Our Advent Calendar is opened again!
You will find behind every door another great gift.
Mare Grid wishes you all a great Christmas time !!!

KikiBaily: Wünsche dem Mare Grid eine schöne Adventzeit :-) 12 months ago

New Outfit !!!!
For all Bodies
Happy Shopping:))

NEW!!! Jumpsuit Trusty in Four Pattern available
also available in Legacy and Reborn
Happy Shopping:)

Thank you all

NEW Outfit Lorena
Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn
Happy Shopping ♥