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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Jewel Hunter - Open sim Midwife

It's the ultimate Roleplay... a Virtual family.

When you and your partner are ready to take the ultimate step (becoming parents) we have the resources. From validation of your pregnancy test to delivery of your virtual child, Midwife Jewel Hunter is here to support and guide you.
"A Joyous Journey" Maternity Clinic offers flexible plans to meet your needs and budgets at their world class clinic located on Discovery Grid. Plans include checkups as well as the final delivery. The service is fully integrated with the "Sweet Little darlings" babies, also available at Gloebit Warehouse District on Discovery Grid. There are NO CHILD AVATARS involved in the system, so there are no TOS problems with grids not allowing child avis.
Come visit the cilinic and feel free to contact Jewel directly.
The greatest joy is yet to come!

DiscoveryGrid.net:8002:Gloebit Warehouse District
hop://discoverygrid.net:8002/Gloebit Warehouse District/257/188/22