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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

In the New Year I am going to document the creation of my new virtual presence in OSGrid. Daily I am working step by step to bring my items from SL to my new sims, six normal sized (256x256) and one var-sim (nine regions of 256x256). Soon I will post an overview, but today I want to start with the reconstruction of the temple gallery for my artist friends in Sri Lanka, Sujeewa Kumari and Sanjeewa Kumara, whom I could not visit this year in real because of corona. I want to thank also Kyoko, who will give the work of both artists a home in Second Life (slurl will be published soon). Sujeewa's and Sanjeewa's work is on display in my region called MarketPlace, where I present for a preview my gallery buildings, sold in SL marketplace (Spectaclum Artis https://marketplace.secondlife.com/de-DE/stores/25905):
x-grid-info://osgrid/region/MarketPlace/135/118/24 .
All the buildings will be filled with art, some with my own work and some with pieces of invited artist friends. Please tell me, if you would be interested to be on display in the BauhausGallery or in the ModernArtGallery.