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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Hello there! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! just to answer some questions: we are not at this time being a "grid" we give some free regions away just to help, but our music company, gaming company, and our partners, as well as my academy and non profit is what we are using our servers for. It's a dedicated project. BUT we are renting STREAMS out on a very very fast server dedicated for $5 month if you need one, as i had to put in a bunch of my own, Masala Estates is hosting (Una). Also from Unadecal (Masala Estates) you can get:
2x2 Sim With 20000 Prims 6
3x3 Sim With 30000 Prims 8
4x4 Sim With 40000 Prims 10
Any size up to 10x10 with 50000 Prims 12
Pay for 5 months, get the 6th for free OR
FOR FULL SERVER HOSTING (with as many regions as you can eat)
Server Specs Price (USD)
Server Basic 4 cores 8GB RAM 200GB SSD - 200Mbit link 30
Server Advanced 6 cores 20GB RAM 1400GB HD - 1000Mbit link 40
Server Ultra 8 cores 30GB RAM 800GB SSD - 600Mbit link 60
Server Maxx 10 cores 60GB RAM 1600GB SSD - 1000Mbit link 100