Looking for buildings to bring a city alive :) I am thinking: police station, fire station, restaurants, bars, stores with stuff in them in short.. scenery for in between the real stores and houses. Any ideas, oh gurus of findstuffz?
A few of my buildings are free on my region but go to the version posted and then map hop to the Birch Grove Spring if you don't want the winter versions of some of my buildings set free to copy or buy for 0 : hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002:Birch Grove Winter
I have a sweet Chinese restaurant and a pub in the mix. My municipal building with the clock tower is free as well as the train station. Some othere are not free because I'm still working on them ot they're very specific to Birch Grove. But for the ones that are I try to also have most or all of the interior furniture etc availabel too. Let me know if anything's not set right permission wise and I'll fix it up if it's something I made/found full perms.