OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Join us for the VWEC Quarterly Meeting, Monday, August 12th, at 6:00 PM Grid Time.

Copy this link to go directly to Wolf Territory:

Or you can meet us at the Kitely Hub (10 min before 6:00) and teleport from there: hop:// II/122/130/25

We will use Discord for talking:

- Introduction of VWEC, purpose, more information
- - Monthly VWEC tours
- Brief introductions:
-- Your name
-- How long in virtual worlds? How long in OS?
-- What do you see is the possibility of education and learning in OS?
-- A brief summary of what are you working on or want to be working on regarding education in OS (being an explorer, just learning, etc. are all good!)
- Upcoming opportunities for educational participation
-- Winter 2024 Wolf Fest
-- OSCC 2024
-- Summer 2025 Wolf Fest
-- Hypergrid Worlds Fair 2025
-- What else?
- Meeting closing
-- Information and plans for next quarterly meeting