OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Let me tell you about the Genesis Roleplay Grid - This grid was originally started by my daughter, Metal Tango, while I was on another grid with a group of friends. Things went south on that grid for reasons that I do not need to explain so my daughter extended a welcome to my friends to join us on Genesis Roleplay Grid with the understanding that each could have a 1 - 4x4 region with no rent to pay but donations if they could afford it. Everyone has worked very hard to develop this grid and make it a success and build up a good reputation in the virtual community. Seventy five percent of our membership on the grid are Role players and we have fun when we get together, 95% of the regions are developed either for role play or personal use with a scattered few for other reasons because people like to build their dream region. It is a well organized, well run grid with an amazing tech whom we adore and those who were there with us from the ground floor up, working, striving and struggling to make it a success have donated financially as well, particularly Metal Tango. We have an amazing mall with incredible builds and most of the regions on the grid are regions that I personally have developed, some with a little help from other members. If you see a region under my profile, rest assured I built and developed it. bragging, because I have been to other grids and some of them are positively amazingly gorgeous and well done and our Virtual Community is about encouraging one another and working together and supporting each other in our endeavors. Genesis Roleplay Grid isn't about me, it's about every single person on that grid for they are all precious and very talented in their own right, whether creative writing, building, decorating, organizing, everyone has a role to play in making the grid a success. So to our members I say THANK YOU! To my Daughter who has shouldered the burden for these few years, even while struggling through nursing school, I say THANK YOU! To the creative and talented Role Players who make it so much fun and interesting, I say THANK YOU! To the many contributing builders on our grid, I say THANK YOU! To our many (and growing) list of vendors, I say THANK YOU! Together we can do better. If you're interested in role play, contact me or Metal Tango. Blessings and much love, Lavia