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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

ATTENTION! If you rent/lease your grid or region through Masala Estates, I have a special offer for you! We have created a spot at the mall for the Masala Estate Partner Grids for you to advertise your grid by getting your own beautiful walk through portal like the one's in this picture. Unadecal is awesome and our goal is to help Masala Estates with unity among the grids and regions who deal with Masala Estates. If you would like to advertise your region or grid as a Masala Estates Partner Grid/Region contact me here in instant message or in world. These portals are beautiful and easy to use, just walk through. You determine where you want new visitors to land and we set you up with your very own portal. There is absolutely no charge or rental for this service, we just want folks to know how awesome it is to work with Unadecal and Masala Estates!!