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While QAmom Minna Krustina has been busy trolling all-ages grids with lies about what is happening there, what has ole Krusty done about these people and places?

The Mitzfits Grid?

What has Krusty done about that grid? My guess? Nothing.

What did Krusty do about Travesty Winesmith? His QAnon friends will be shocked that this MAGA Trump supporter is also a virtual pedophile.

Screenshots of his former Adoption Center on Zeta:

Travis is a member of the "We Age Play. So What?" group, as is the owner of the Little Big City Metaverse Mall. In the Mall, you can find vendor photos of a male child and a male adult AV having sex.

As far as anyone knows, QAmom Minna Krustina did nothing about fellow QAnon member Travis or the Little Big City Metaverse Mall. Perhaps, he needs to lie about grids because he has no real skills at investigating real offenders.

Krusty: you disappoint everyone.