HarperHeld @HarperHeld

Admeja Space Federation Offline

I've been everywhere, man


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I stopped posting on Twitter before it was cool
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Honestly, if he nuked the box then over half of the issues would be solved right there.
I think of the box as the Stage, and most often the play sucks. I would like it to be a place to share helpful tips and resources. It's a nice place where we can all check-in and say hello, so it needs moderation, not elimination.
I agree, but I've given up hope that there would be moderation.
Satyr once told me that he refuses to throw users out except in very special extreme cases.

I'm almost inclined to believe that OSW might only introduce moderation if something happens here that Satyr is personally held liable for in a Greek court, and if he's forced to choose between adding moderation or Greek authorities shutting OSW down permanently.
"Satyr once told me that he refuses to throw users out except in very special extreme cases." ...did he give you a reason for this?
Then why have a TOS at all? I mean the third option is many of us get so fed up we just stop using the site and then there is less sharing of all the things that are good here.
The only reason why OSW is still so active is because none of the planned or WIP replacements has taken off yet.
In my dream version of this site...lol. Dream version. There would be a team of moderators. Users would have to be manually approved based on answering a basic questionaire. Because there are a bunch of users on here that have NOTHING to do with virtual worlds at all. Folks not knowing what they're signing up for but it's an easy sign up. Somewhere in the mix is a RL dental clinic or two. Moderators could also help cull that kind of thing. But those are just dreams.
Also part of that questionaire is AGREEING to a code of conduct.
With some other social media sites/groups there is a grace period before you can post anything. That could be useful here.
Yes, that would solve the revolving door of alts posting a minute after the account is created.
Considering a certain individual (the alt of many faces) has diversified to commenting on posts and regions, it might just all get redirected. But I agree, the box is too easy of a target.
Not only that. He actually goes around in-world, goes to events and attacks people verbally. And I'm pretty sure he has got loads of sock-puppet avatars on various grids.

This has gotten to the point at which he can only be dealt with anymore in real life. Fortunately, he is constantly piling up criminal offences on OSW alone. And I hope Cyber pulls through with his announcement.
The benefit of rarely going to parties I guess. This individual needs help. And yes that should happen concurrently with pressing charges but they do need help. I mean who does THIS as a hobby?! Harasses people and wrecks the enjoyment of everyone else's hobby? But I still maintain my original point. There needs to be more moderation. How many reports does it take for complaints to be taken seriously? Really one is the correct answer. "Hey we have a problem..." Then you check it out. Folks here don't need to be harassed nonstop and threatened.

As per the OSW Terms:

You agree not to post, email, or otherwise make available Content:

* that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, pornographic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, or harms minors in any way;
* that harasses, degrades, intimidates or is hateful toward an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
* that disrupts the normal flow of dialogue with an excessive number of messages (flooding attack) to the Service, or that otherwise negatively affects other users' ability to use the Service

Additionally, you agree not to:

* contact anyone who has asked not to be contacted;
* "stalk" or otherwise harrass anyone;
* post non-local or otherwise irrelevant Content, repeatedly post the same or similar Content, or otherwise impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;
And sadly the instances of this behaviour outside OSW would have to be addressed by each individual grid they occur on by their TOS.

Or legally in the real world if that can happen.
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"And then once Darkhearts started ranking higher than Lbsa, they were mysteriously "vanished." "

I thought I had seen it all here; but the brazenness with which that happened took my breath away.
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This is an ambitious build I'm thrilled to have a copy of for my grid. Thank you for making it and for sharing it!
If you encounter any problems with it just let me know I'll come help, the sliding gates, sliding door script, will need to be adjusted so if you need help with that just holler and I truly hope you will enjoy it on your grid. Blessings and Much love, Lavia
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I had a problem with slices of my avatar's avatar missing for no apparent reason; and using this trick seems to have fixed it. Thanks, Jupiter!
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Hiya. I just talked to Franzi inworld and she said it's up. She was on her grid when we talked. Keep trying, she's also thinking of redoing the sim so definately keep trying.
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That, actually, would solve a lot of issues. Not all of them (what about the legal issues surrounding snapshots of kid avatars in people's cache or on their screen?), but a lot of them.
"what about the legal issues surrounding snapshots of kid avatars in people's cache or on their screen?"
The laws afaik are not that it is illegal to have pictures of child avatars but only child avatars in sex or erotic poses. That is how SL differentiates it. In my years here in Opensim I rarely see adults in erotic poses but don't I have ever seen an underage avatar in one. SL is a different story. I think certain people are making mountains out of molehills. But yeah, a viewer that would block the view of any child avatar would also include those in a sexual pose.
"I think certain people are making mountains out of molehills." I tend to agree -I think that the risk is exaggerated and the risk is overblown. Not zero, and I don't fault ANYONE who doesn't want to take that risky (why should they?) but people aren't arrested over being in SL -they won't be arrested over anything involving child avatars in OS
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"No campaigning or trickery against other regions. " See..that's the problem right there. The organized harassment. This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen it on OSW since it opened ..and by 3 different groups, too! Mind you, that's only the campaigns them I'm aware of. It is *organized harassment* and not child avatars that makes opensim/the hypergrid toxic to such a degree that that I actively *discourage* people from coming out here (in stark contrast to 2015 and before when I was a opensim evangelist/apologist).

If there was a technical change that prevented child avatars from rendering, the dysfunctional jagoffs out here would find another reason and another method to harass people and regions they don't like. Maybe they'd fall back to sockpuppets and IM harassment (popular in 2018,2019), maybe they'd do something else.

My point being: it isn't child avatars that are the problem, it's the community and it's appetite for harassment. It is that the OSW/opensim community is so completely hostile/toxic and it has such a high tolerance for harassment -combined with an unwillingness to address harassment effectively.

From where I stand, kid avatars are simply the red flag de jour; but any issue would work. This community loves them some pitchforks and torches!
good morning my friend, I am very sorry but you are mistaken about this being "organized harrassment." I dont know most of these people! I have a grid to run and trees to plant.....I do not spend my time trying to cause pain to others. I hope you have a very happy day!
Good morning to you as well, I hope yours is going well.

I didn't mean to imply that *this specific post* was intended as part of the harassment campaign. As far as I know, you're only following the red flag du jour. That said, there has clearly been harassment against the #1 place region on OSW using Child Avatars as the justification. If there had not been child avatars, the issue would have been something else (it has been before) or someone would have taken child avatar alts in there to frame the owners (a trick we have seen played out here before, too).

My message was not aimed at your blog post, nor even at you. It was in reply to Soda's alluding to harassment campaigns and I was taking the opportunity to expand on that point.

The OSW audience is fond of eating itself from time to time (individuals change, but the harassment does not). OSW alternatives have come and gone but no one supports or uses them so honestly -the fault for opensim being so toxic, hostile and prone to harassment is with all of us to varying degrees.

So I wasn't mistaken. I was making a different point entirely...in response to something that Soda said.
Your comments about OSW are very wise and true. In all honesty, OSW reflects the best and the worst of opensim. I cannot change Opensim or OSW, However, I can change Safine.....and how Safine reacts to certain things. That is something I work on every single day. Some days I do better than others ; ))) Huggs for my friend!
What a beautiful comment! I may not agree with you on everything, but we definitely need more of you in the world! Huggs to you!
*hugs* absolutely -and I support that. Like I just said to Arielle; I do not fault *anyone* for wanting to feel safe on their regions by not taking risks they're uncomfortable with. If you see having kid avatars as a potential legal liability you have every right to not allow them. We need to do what we can to feel safe in the places we run.
"My point being: it isn't child avatars that are the problem, it's the community and it's appetite for harassment. It is that the OSW/opensim community is so completely hostile/toxic and it has such a high tolerance for harassment -combined with an unwillingness to address harassment effectively."

That's it exactly, and I keep having to tell people: OSW does not have moderation. OSW does not have "staff" in the traditional community staff sense. OSW's staff, AFAIK, is only Satyr. Satyr is only a tech admin and developer at which he admittedly excels. But he is not fit for moderation. He isn't interested in moderation either. He has stated several times that he wants us to deal with any kinds of trouble ourselves, and be it things that are clearly illegal. He has told me that he normally never bans anyone. As rarely as he's here, he never knows what's going on either, and he has never been in touch with the community. And he doesn't have time to moderate everything himself in real-time 24/7.

At the same time, he isn't even interested in establishing moderation at all. Neither does he implement moderation tools, nor does he appoint moderators, nor does he even define community rules as guides for moderation. This site has two rules for sims, both of which are frequently and blatantly broken with no repercussions whatsoever, and exactly zero rules for users.

In other words: On OSW, you can get away with everything. And I mean absolutely everything. AFAIR, OSW itself came under attack a while ago. Others would have called the authorities for investigations. Satyr simply restored the site and shrugged it off.

That's why it's so attractive to troublemakers. I dare say that not few people are only in OpenSim to cause trouble and harass others because it's so easy and with exactly zero consequences for themselves.

I mean, we, the community, can't do anything ourselves with no moderation tools to do it with. Ignoring doesn't work as has been demonstrated over and over again. The only countermeasure against troublemakers at our hands is retaliation, and that usually makes things only worse.

And I think I'm the only OSW user who has been here for several years while still only having one account.

"From where I stand, kid avatars are simply the red flag de jour; but any issue would work. This community loves them some pitchforks and torches!"

That, too. Only that most other issues lead to aggressive counter-attacks rather than attacks. I mean, it's hard to harass bot-using sim owners if there are always at least seven avatars on your own sim and always right after it has started, that number barely fluctuates up, and you claim it's regular visitor traffic. And you can't speak up against copybotting and content theft from SL if the only thing on your own avatar that's legal is the alpha'd-out system body. So you defend both tooth and nail instead with massive counter-attacks.
"And I think I'm the only OSW user who has been here for several years while still only having one account."
Naw, I only have this "Arielle" account and it has been close to 10 years. I signed up within 12 hours of Satyr opening the site.
Like Harper says, it does seem like targeted harassment on child avatars because its been the main thrust of topics for a while now. I guess the community got tired of crying about the unlicensed content here but knowing forums and how they work in cycles about topics to complain about, I'm sure it will come back around :)
The solution would be to start an OSW alternative but when people do start one no one uses it -instead preferring to stay here. Several have been done, Kubwa (?) had one, unless I'm mistaken hyacinth has one at the moment, and there is also one at 8chan.moe that hasn't been updated for months and months. So whatever the reasons are for continuing to wallow in the filth here...it's a dynamic that I don't anticipate changing unless OSW shuts down or goes pay only or something.
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For a lot of years, FS's oxp didn't save or import materials...I'm going to guess that the copybot viewers didn't get them either. I've only noticed in the last 3 or so years that I no longer have to re-upload and re-texture materials into my builds after restoring them (things I build in SL, and then bring to OS). Before that, I would have to find and add my normal and specular maps manually.
I think this is probably spot-on Harper. From the few I have spoken with the copybot viewer is not good at capturing the specular maps and even FS has trouble. Now with PBR lighting in SL, there will likely be an additional map in SL, not sure if or when that will ever happen in OS. Luckily, they have become pretty easy to duplicate. Both Photoshop and Gimp are very good at making them. There is even a free open source ap, "Materialize" that is specifically designed to make them. I have fooled with it a bit and it can handle pretty intricate textures well. (Not perfect, but well.)

The maps can add a lot to larger objects like furniture and houses and rocks, so that is why it is such a treat to see that @Aurora has taken the time to add them.
@HarperHeld yes...it is a pain... I am learning as I import stuff...didn't even know what bumpiness and shine did before! I think the WORST are some clothes from some brands...like TETRA... now THOSE are a nightmare...
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Ho rotto la caviglia in quattro parti dopo essere caduto sul ghiaccio. So che non รจ divertente e mi dispiace che tu stia passando anche tu attraverso questo. So che รจ difficile e spero tu abbia una pronta e completa guarigione.
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The more textures -the better!
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Marianna Monentes is a powerhouse of creativity, as well as being a publisher and a pillar of support for outworldz.

Jamie Wright is one of the most good-hearted and creative builders I've had the pleasure to know.

Valerie NatureInSim is an awesome builder and scripter.

Hyacinth is a straight-up goddess, she's a builder and scripter and she's always to an iron in the fire -or five!

Amsterdam Bingyi has spent a lot of years and talent building a wonderful region (Zweet Zurroundings) and filling it with his creations which he generously shares with us in his store -another powerhouse!

Caro Faywray and Lani Global are two more opensim creators who I admire as well.

Of course, this is *in addition* to the builders already mentioned in the comments so far -we're lucky to have a lot of talent out here. :)
Most people in OpenSimulator, tend to be creators due to the platform's emphasis on user-generated content and customization. OpenSimulator provides users with powerful tools and freedoms to build, design, and script their own virtual environments, objects, and experiences. This fosters a vibrant community of creators who are drawn to the platform's creative potential and the opportunity to express themselves in a virtual space. Additionally, the collaborative nature of OpenSimulator encourages creators to share their creations with others, contributing to a culture of creativity and innovation within the community. Thus, the majority of participants in OpenSimulator are creators, you too Han you have also actively contribute to the platform's diverse and dynamic virtual landscape. Teaching others what you have learned as a creator is vital to keep Opensimulator advanced. To be in the class of the best creators, such as @FerdFrederix who shares the knowledge he has learned and being a mentor is key. You are all gifted creators, you are here working each day to make it the very best. I often told Luna to share her skills as tutorials here at OSW and teach what she has learned. I have purchased a few builds from Luna and have loved them all, they didn't quite fit my theme here but I wanted to support her work. If you create, please share what you know - become the mentor, it makes all of us better creators. Always remember to collaborate, when you see ideas that you love that others have created, if you ask most creators will help you to achieve your goals. Collaborate and Mentor and Never stop creating.
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I haven't had the time to give the park the walk-through it deserves -mea culpa! However, I can say that I remember the old one from SL and can verify that a lot of love and thought has gone into this project and OpenSim is a better place for it being here.
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Still awesome, and thanks to you I have a new look! :D
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Truly awesome! You've made some great stuff in the time you've been here -I can't wait to see what else you do!
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Wolf has deleted the comments I was upset about, so I'm deleting my comments since they're no longer relevant.

Thank you, Wolf!