Huge gratitude, honor and respect to the entire OpenSIM world team and to Satir personally for their tremendous work.
And now on the topic. How and why
You may not always understand why I do things this way and not someone else, but... There is a parable in the old testament about the goat and the crowded house.
Well, we definitely needed someone to bring the goat into the house to realize that the wonderful house that Satyr built for us was occupied by 4-5 unscrupulous people.
They claim they have their own rules on their site and.....well, just remove the beacon, leave the OpenSIM world and do whatever you want!
They are ready for anything to be the first and only. They created 5-10 clones each and with all kinds of frauds and forgeries occupy the front page, ratings, chats. They slaughter, they ravage, they invent rules, and whoever calls is smeared with slander and terror, thrown out of society and... no one dares to move.
Who are they? NOBODY! World unknown, but terribly loud, manipulative and brash. Creators? Nonsense! Transporters from the dump that remained from Sacrarium and thieves from SL.
The real artists have sunk into oblivion and do not dare to appear at a party or even in the corridor of LBSA. In the rank list, the real artists are after number 50 - 100... Shameful situation.
What are they counting on? To our fear of being rejected by their society.
Well, I'm not afraid of the truth. And after they unceremoniously destroy our cottage, after they break all the rules, I will do everything in my power to save our beautiful world from them. But they were going to exclude me from the community?!
Results of the weird vote I did:
57% want the rules to be followed.
another 3% also want the rules to be followed and are willing to pay to promote their SIMs.
another 23% also want the rules to be followed and prefer no SIM rating.
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A TOTAL of 83% want the rules to be followed.
Another 17% (5 people in total) want to crush and destroy everything in their path.... I don't want them here.
You will read a lot more poison and nonsense about me from the injured 5 people. I won't write anymore. I'm putting the goat away.
I will report ANY of their policy violations and do my best to keep this wonderful site from them.
I'm with you Satyr.