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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

Signing up for OpensimFest? There's still time. Here's how!
* EVERYONE can register for a free ticket, as a Participant, Exhibitor, or Merchant. Either way, the ticket is free.
* Are you a Sponsor? Sign up at https://www.opensimfest.com/callforsponsors, then contact the Fest admin on our Discord channel to find out about your parcel.
* Are you an exhibitor or merchant? Pick your parcel here https://signupschedule.com/osfest
The link is also available on Discord - join the group! https://discord.gg/J87UCKHY
* How to Choose your parcel:
Take a look at the grid map - use this link to get an even better version of the picture
Exhibitors choose your parcels in the Alchemist Estate (Oxygen and Fluorine regions) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
Merchants choose your parcels in the Guild Estate (Sulfur region) or in the Marches Estate (Chlorine and Quantium regions for large builds).
OpensimFest 8 - 24 July 2022