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Winter at Cozy Comforts for Beltane

Where: Cozy Comforts World
When: 3 years ago [28 Apr 2022 11:00 SLT]

Hey friends and live music lovers!

Winter will sing and play guitar for us on 28 of April at 11 am slt.
It is a thursday before Beltane.... Beltane is the big witch festival in pagan holidays.
In old celtic tradition it is a spring time party with some erotic atmosphere.
Our ancestors might have group sex, who knows?

Our party will be at Cozy Comforts Zetaworlds Beach.

With Winter, you can be sure that you will only get a real live performance. There is no pre-recorded playback. You get all the little variances of his "in the moment" showing, as he radiates out to each of you that request his interpretation, the finest music in SL. Yes, my friend, WINTER IS HERE!



Invite all your friends and lets party!

Aphra Hendrix sending huggs to all of you!
