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OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More


I am going to be using items from around open sim for the VivoSim system which used to be Satyr Farms, then Quintonia Farm System. You can still intertwine the Satyr & Quintonia with VivoSim System as they are founded from the original Satyr. I am going to be making add On's for this system to enhance it. I will be giving the products that I make away for free.

Buzzy encourages us to modify the items to enhance it. My goal is to have the biggest farm in Open Sim.

This is JUST the beginning!

I do hope that you will come to my region to visit & give some constructive criticism about what I can do to enhance my ever growing farm. There will be suggestion boxes throughout my region.

Thank You for reading this! ;)