Koburk has also successfully moved to Pangea:
This region, which looks like vacation in a mountain village, has many small places that invite you to explore, relax and take pictures
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Auch Koburk ist erfolgreich nach Pangea umgezogen:
Diese Region, die ein wenig an Urlaub in einem Bergdorf erinnert, hat viele kleine Plätze, die zum Erkunden, Erholen und Fotografieren einladen...
Bink Draconia: Es war eine wirklich gelungene Geburtstagsparty - angefangen bei dentollen Verkleidungen der Gäste bis hin zu DJ Marlons perfektem Mix aus guter Musik und spaßigen Stimmungsmachern. DANKE!!!! *** It ... 1 years ago |
Overall Rating: | |
Tainted Angel A serene environment to experience. She always gives. A beautiful peaceful place to enjoy exploring. | |
Jupiter Rowland Very beautiful, very detailed and especially very immersive and interactive.
This is not just more or less random objects piled onto a sim so that you have something nice to look at while trying to copy freebies or copybotting the entire sim. No, this place is alive, also thanks to well-placed NP... | |
Darci Viper Beautiful Region, Nicely laid out... |