Monentes Jewelry


Monentes Jewelry
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~Home to Monentes Jewelry~

"Exclusively designed jewelry by a copyrighted jewelry designer."

Please never sell in SL

Romanichel Solitaire-Free/Full Perms Jewelry
please find this in the Monentes Jewelry store foyer.

Created exclusively for opensim. Christmas will soon be here, I will be placing in the store Christmas jewelry see you soon :)

Bat Queen~! Free and Full Perms Jewelry

All jewelry is created exclusively for opensim friends, all free and full perms.

Exclusive Peace Cuff-Free/Full Perms-Gold it also looks pretty in Copper, just add a tint of reddish pink :) In the foyer of Monentes Jewelry Jewelry

Cruising sketchfab I found a great tree swing that I added a swing script [it swings from side to side] It is free and full perms at Monentes Jewelry store. Please never sell. Thank you for creating this for us to enjoy. Jewelry
This has been decimated in Blender, you might take it to blender and make it even lower count. Too much it loses details.

Monentes Jewelry is exclusive jewelry created by Marianna Monentes using Rhino software. Bento rigged and classic. All free and full perms. Jewelry

Please stop by and see many rings I have created, both bento and classic! Free/Full Perms Jewelry

There is a little Easter basket in the foyer, with a cute little egg for you :) also an Easter Silver Concho Charm Bracelet Jewelry

Opera Length Infinity Necklace-Silver-Free/Full Perms Jewelry

I just added Love Potion perfume set in the store. A beautiful bottle of Love Potion Perfume, and a silver chain with a Love Potion Pendant. See if you can find it :) Jewelry

My Pretty Valentine bento and classic ring, Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Monentes ~ Jewelry ~ Wave Bracelet with Turquoise rigged Jewelry

Beautiful Onyx Solitaire with a little silver pinkie ring-Free-Full Perms-Bento Rigged Jewelry

Rigged pinky rings at Monentes Jewelry! Yes I said rigged :) More rings coming soon. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

New Years Glasses! Let's rock in a beautiful New Year with these fun Tortoise Shell Glasses! Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Christmas Passion Heart set-the pendant is on my pearl chain choker-Free/Full perms tis the season!! enjoy!

Created a new Diamond and Paisley Cuff in Gold, this is a new paisley design created new for 2021 Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Poinsettia Ring - Christmas 2020 Free / Full Perms Jewelry

Crescent Moon Choker now free and full Jewelry

Diamond Bangle-Free Full Perms Jewelry

Monentes Jewelry will be back online tomorrow early in the morning. We were offline for couple of weeks, we apologize for the inconvenience. Please stop by tomorrow I will be adding new jewelry soon.
I admit it, I love to make rings. My friends all say, enough with the rings already lol I promise next week will make nice earrings or a set again. Here is the latest ring.
Fleur Band-Free Full Perms Jewelry

Butterfly Band-Free Full Perms Jewelry

Crescent Star Choker-The crescent represents progress and the five pointed star, light and knowledge. We wish these things for you.
Free-Full Perms

Please meet "Sissy" the Bulldog :) Silver bulldog on black leather neckcord. Free-Full Perms

This locket was really fun to create utilizing the Prim Complier script. It can be used when creating greeting cards too! The locket is available at the Monentes Jewelry store. The how to here:

Exclusive Jewelry

My friends in SL wanted me to upload jewelry for them so I went in and tried to load these, they cost 98L for the upload, and when they do upload they are huge! and you cannot reduce them down to fit the avatar, they are thick and ugly! I would first have to make them nano (more work plus the cost of upload) So I came back to OpenSim and uploaded them for FREE, which means I can give them FREE! And they are not thick and big or ugly they loaded just the way I created them. All yours in the Monentes store foyer! Jewelry

Jerralyn Franzic: Oh wait... so your stuff turns into a pile of no mod jewelry when uploading to SL? That's strange. Well then... I'll come in and check out your new creations. Thanks :) 1 years ago
I had a request for Green leaves with Gold, please find this set next to the Rose Gold set in the Wedding ring dept of the store. Thank you for your suggestions and continued support. It is the reason I love to create. Jewelry

Summer's Sonnet wedding set-In the wedding ring dept. Jewelry

For the guys...first in a series of Rapper chains-I will be bringing in different styles as time allows. Thank you for the request. Please find this in the Men's dept. Jewelry

Created Ruby Noel Solitaire today. It is in the Foyer, this is sitting on the table, it is not in the advent calendar because the calendar is full! Enjoy~ Jewelry

I love Catwalks, especially the industrial ones with cool metal beams so I built one that I am giving for free to anyone who has a fashion show in mind. This is full perms so you can modify it to suit your taste. There is also model poses in the box-Enjoy!

Monentes Jewelry has beautiful jewelry perfect for Valentine's day~ Free/Full perms Jewelry

Monentes Jewelry is Exclusive Jewelry created solely by Marianna Monentes, some have wondered why it is not sold in SL why is it here in OS? Monentes Jewelry started out in SL and had a store for two years, friends asked me to create jewelry at GCG for a Christmas Party then asked me to open a store there. In Opensim I never charged much for the jewelry, the love of creating and gifting to friends gave me more pleasure. I continue to create exclusive jewelry for OS, I continue to give to friends. I find more pleasure here than in SL, thank you for your inspiration.

Many turquoise and silver rings and bracelets, necklace too. Free/Full Perms Jewelry

Treble Clef set-Free and Full Perms Jewelry

I just received a request for Pretty crosses and turtles, I love requests. This is the first pretty cross. More to come, and also turtles :) Jewelry

Celtic Tree of Life, silver on silver neck chain. Free and Full Perms Jewelry

May the "Luck of the Irish" bless you. Celtic Knot Pendant on Black Leather Neck Cord
Free/Full Perms Jewelry

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Reviews (12)
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Tigerkitti Eberdene I found some of Marianne's jewelry in my inventory on a different grid avi. It seems I have had most since GCG days. In particular, my favourite is a beautiful diadem that I wear often. I came and visited the store and found a few more awesome pieces. Wow, such lovely items. And I found bubblegum! T...
Lillysparks love love love my new assortment of sparkling accessories! Thank you! Genius! xoxo
Melanie Sawyer Nice shop, with some beautiful jewellery designs. Thank you
