OpenSimWorld is the directory of 3D Virtual Worlds based on OpenSimulator and connected through the HyperGrid. Learn More

The View: OS Blogs, Pix and Video.

What is this group about? I'm still figuring it out. This is what I've got so far. This should be...
1. A place to look at pix and videos, especially those part of a collection, and to get links to them.
2. A place to find a brief commentary or notification about recent posts from (and links to) news sites, blogs, and articles focused on OS.
3. A place that doesn't duplicate the purpose of OSW "News" forum, whatever that purpose is, in intent and practice.
4. A place to send people who want to know what OS is.
5. A place where you can get a fuller, deeper understanding and appreciation of what OS is.

Have a look at the posts I've done to get a sense about what I hope this group will be. Your thoughts? And, can you suggest a name for the group that best evokes the group purpose?
Posted 16 years ago.
"This Flickr group was created the day Eifachfilm Vacirca announced a performance art show on his non-corporate d-oo-b sim , OUTSIDE Second Life and independent from Linden Lab on an OSgrid"

A more recent photo, from one of the group's top contributors. Maybe you've heard of them. "Woodland 1" by Oni Kiri. Taken at Treasure Island, CopyKat Grid.

What is Open Sim? "OpenSim — short for OpenSimulator — is free, open source software that allows anyone to create a virtual world and run in on their own computer." Where did I learn this? On the website of Hypergrid Business, an online publication about “immersive virtual reality environments and virtual worlds.”

Hypergrid Business has a lot to offer people interested in OS.
Open Sim news:
Active OpenSim Grids
Grids Renting Land
If interested in the wider realm of virtual world, here is the home page:

Oh, and ya. Open Sim is also the name of a virtual human muscle and skeleton simulator. Confusing.
Jupiter Roland has German blog in the Fediverse about virtual worlds. The most recent post was Mar. 5, "Asset Apocalypse: Und dann ging es ganz schnell mit dem OSgrid" about the decision to put OSgrid into long-term maintenance. Read it here:

Read his other #OpenSim posts here:

Hypergrid Safari is a tour group/social club that visits two different grids each week. (The next tour season opens in April). After the visit there is usually a write-up on the blog

To quote Cherry Manga "HG Safari is the best place to learn about hypergrid, and to discover fabulous places to visit."

The most recent entry on the blog is about the visit to Loru Destiny's fabulous Opensim Film festival, featuring Opensim's filmmakers. It's a post on a OS media site about OS media creators! Unfortunately, the "Why Yes! I Do Have a Media Site About OS" group opened after the event, as this would have been great to promote in advance. Plan to visit next year! From the HG Safari blog, here is a picture of The Drive In at the Opensim Film festival, where you click on the posters in front of the giant screen to access the many choices of featured short films.

Sol NPC by Nico Kalani taken at Xinashi Sol Et Luna Dance.

Sol is rezzed in the Sol Et Luna Dance area when visitors to the Xinashi Sim arrive. She was created while wearing a ballet dance HUD, as was her partner Luna.

See more:

Daydream (In Crystal Color At Midnight) by Jerralyn Franzic, taken at Her site:

The View: OS Blogs, Pix and Video.
A work in progress.

4 members
Created 13 days ago by Nico Kalani

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