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You keep telling me you are not violent and then in the next breath you tell me you are ok with it. Which is it Suzi? And no I'm not a supporter of White supremacists etc IM against radicalisation of either side. YOU are a threat to others who may simply disagree with you. Yes we all know you are superior to others you have stated it many times over. You have assumed a lot about me because of a small number of posts which proves my point. YOU have decided I'm a Fascist without even knowing me well and now I'm a target of your hate. You have proved my poem over and over again with your rhetoric. My whole point with all this is to show that the left is perceived as a threat by others not even just the far right. If you act in a threatening way and keep deciding someone is a fascist based on a handful of posts then yes you are a DANGER to others.
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Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right and here I am stuck in the middle with you!
And the biggest clown of them all, is Remmy. She not only tried to convince me that unspecified 'left-wingers' had doxed scab labour employed by Musk for DOGE using a screenshot of a subreddit called WhitePeopleTwitter (clearly a white supremacist group) as irrefutable evidence, that subreddit was later suspended due to violent content and incitement to violence and doxing. One wonders about people sometimes.
Does it matter where I grabbed a screenshot from. The left are going after DOGE boys you said yourself they are traitors and should be Doxxed etc. The left are doing all they can to stop them. My poem still stands YOU have been radicalised, the way you reply to others in a rude condescending tone with your superior attitude. Your statement that the left does not advocate for violence is false. If as the left often says "Words are violence!" your words are incredibly violent and offensive and therefore you are a threat to others. If you keep going down this path you will become physically violent against those who you decide are right wingers because their opinions dont align with yours.
Remmy, if you can'r see what is wrong with using a screenshot of a white supremacist post to support your argument no one here can help you. For one thing, a site that was suspended for violent content and also incitement to violence and doxing is hardly a reliable source of evidence This latest comment of yours just makes you look even more stupid that you've already made yourself look.

Let me put it in simple terms, because I'm beginning to think you are having trouble understanding what the reality of the situation we find ourselves in - largely because of gullible fools like you, who vote in droves for peopel likr Trump, Orban, Milei or Farage. As it is, you're far more het up, concerned, afraid, if you like, that the 'left-wing' (who you can't even name) might come out and pull faces at you, all the while you haven''t noticed the fascist thugs breaking into your home to rape you, because you're too busy looking the other way. In apprehension of an attack that is highly unlikely to come. Maybe the threat of the left-wing hordes is a ploy to distract you long enough for the fasicst rapists to get in to your safe space .

Okay,so those left-wingers are noisy, maybe a little offensive, and yes, maybe they will pull a few faces at you, but I can tell you this, they would, if they saw those fascist boot boys breaking into your home to rape you, stop them, probably using some violence, and save you from attack, which i think you would deem, justified, in this context.

Which is worse Remmy? A bunch of obnoxious left-wingers who are a little unpleasant but essentially harmless or dangerous fascist thugs who will hurt you rape you and steal all your stuff? You make lots of claims about misdeed supposedly committed by 'the left' but you offer no hard, incontrovertible evidence to support your claims - all you offer is a screenshot of a white supremacist forum, which at best makes you look even more stupid than you've made yourself look already .You're in a hole Remmy, stop digging!

Relevant external information:
And you are not getting my point. If you decide someone is a Fascist based on some posts you will justify hatred and violence against them. I do feel threatened by you now because of the assumptions you have made about me. You are not just noisy and a little obnoxious you are Loud and very obnoxious and making assumptions about people you know very little about and what their real opinions are. We are just going around in circles here.
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Seems my reply to Suzi's last reply to me has been blocked or not going through. I will post it here instead and then not reply anymore.

1) I'm not from the USA.
2) I have seen Antifa in many videos over the last few years using violence when none was used against them to start, they just assumed someone was a fascist.
3) You have assumed many things about me based simply on a poem I added which is all about being radicalized.
4) The issue is when you decide who is a fascist and that you have a right to use violence against them.
5) Any group that organizes under any flag other than the flag of the country in which they reside is in danger of becoming radical and this always ends up in the whole scale murder of people that are deemed the enemy.
6) I will say again there as many people who feel threatened by the far left as there are who feel that way about the right. You do not get to decide who is or isn't a threat.
7) In these posts not once have I cussed at you, called you delusional or called your ideas left wing bullshit.
8) Enough people felt that the left was a threat to their way of life that they voted in Trump. Ask yourself why that may be? Dont tell them their concerns are delusional or stupid or tell them to fuck off or call them a fascist. Just listen. (Id say the same to the right)
Yes it seemed to me that those considered Antifa are mostly non political but mouth support to whichever side lets them get away with the most violence.
Completely confusing thesis...
When i think of Arielle, perhaps unfairly, I think 'airhead'
Lol,b that's good, it is the image I have been attempting to project. I get laid more often that way! Speaking of getting laid, how is your love life?
I'm very active sexually, and have a fine time - only those women who can engage me intellectually and emotionally get a look in though.
Oh sapiosexual. Good, that counts me out!
Arielle, I'm also demisexual, and you are nothing like as stupid as you make out! And maybe you should count yourself in. How about it, eh?
Can't say I am surprised...
Well stated, Remmy.

It forever fascinates me that rather than recognizing there are legitimate grievances and concerns, those who are ideologically-driven seem unable to pause and ask, "Why do these people choose differently than I? Are they truly all racists?"
You may not be a racist Frank, but by your actions/inactions you support racists. If the extreme far-left were a present and genuine threat you can be sure that we would take note, and where necessary, oppose them. Most of us are not that ideologically driven, we just stand up for decency and Enlightenment values, values that saw the establishment of the USA. No one has called anyone a racist here, but those of you arguing about distractions, for that is what your claimed 'fears' amount to are doing the work of the racists and the fascists. I'm sure that the neo-fascists now taking over the USA are really pleased that they have yet another useful idiot in you.

It's very telling indeed that you would rather spend time here trolling those of us taking a stand rather than opposing the fr-right, the racists and fascists.
And you know what happens to those who stand in the middle of the road? They get run over! A lot of your assertions are complete bollocks, and clearly you don't understand the first thing about propaganda, as you've clearly swallowed, hook, line, and sinker the right-wing agenda over Antifa. Of course they are going to be presented in a negative light for the consumption of the gullible. I know full well why ordinary people vote against their best interests, and it concerns the fuck out of me that mainstream politicians do not take the concerns of ordinary people seriously. But, that does not absolve people from choosing the ways of evil. I don't and have never claimed that the far-left couldn't present a threat, but right now, if you consider the far-left anywhere to be a threat then you clearly are delusional, especially when in many places, France, Germany, the UK and Spain the far-right are on the ascendant, and in the USA, Hungary, Slovakia and Italy as well as Argentina and Turkey the far-right are already in government. The far-left are not a threat, and it is both delusional and moronic to claim they are.


It's just occurred to me that some of your comments above are just plain silly Remmy.

1.One doesn't need to be from the USA to oppose Trump who is an enabler of the far-right wherever in the world it is present. I'm sure there are far-right groups on the ascendant where you live. Why not focus on challenging and containing them instead of having a go at those of us who oppose the far-right, mostly by extremely peaceful means?

2I have also seen lots of videos of Antifa actions and I also know that film/video has always been faked or edited to present or back up a given narrative.So it's quite likely that you've watched videos from a source presenting a negative view to suit their agenda. Do you not ask questions about where the producer of the video stands on the issue?
3. I have only assumed that about you from what is clear from your poem. It's clear that all the way through you present a false equivalence, which, maybe unbeknownst to you is a far-right tactic to engender passivity among perhaps the majority. Clearly you got sucked in. You may not be of the far-right, or indeed a fascist, but your arguments support the far-right, no matter how inadvertantly that is.

4.I don't 'decide' who is a fascist, fascists and the far-right are usually very clear in signalling exactly who they are. And when they use violence against those and that which I care about, the use of violence to counter theirs is justified. We are all entitled to use whatever means necessary to defend ourselves.
5. This one is especially silly. I'll always rally under the international flag of anarchism, feminism and humansim before any other flag. I am however a patriotic Welsh citizen who also sometimes rallies under one of the flags of my country. I will never rally under the Union Flag of the UK because of it's imperialist associations. That I choose to stand under any particular flag or none has no bearing on whether I am 'radicalised' or nor. Again, you use very charged language, but then I guess you have been battered into submission by the far-right media you consume.
6. By all means consider the far-left a threat, but remember while you're so focused on the 'threat' they present, the far-right and the fascists you should be far more concerned about are more than likely thankful your attention has been diverted by something entirely non-threatening for the time being.
7. You can say what you like about my comments, I don't care.I cussed, not to insult or shock you, but because those words seemed appropriate in the context. I'm not going to be polite when the situation under consideration is far from polite.
8. it's no mystery to me why people vote for Trump or the AfD or Reform UK - I know why. Not all of them are delusional as some of them are far-right white supremacists and some are fascists. But the rest clearly are delusional if they think voting for the far right will improve their lot - you are familiar with the phrase 'turkeys voting for Christmas' aren't you? Many non-college educated American workers voted for Trump, but they are now waking up to the uncomfortable realisation that they have been screwed. I will always be ready to listen to those who own up to voting against their own best interests, as they have truly learned a lesson. The rest, it would be a complete and utter waste of my time to try and help them while they continue to profess anti-humanistic beliefs or do not acknowledge made a mistake in the way they voted. It's on them, but by voting in a far-right government or leader it's also on the rest of us too. Again, you persist in this silly false equivalence. The right doesn't give a damn about you because your only an ordinary person.The left could well give a damn, if you let them. How many truly left-wing people do you know?
YES! And the position of centrism on these matters is simply cowardice. Lipstick on a pig.
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1) I'm not from the USA.
2) I have seen Antifa in many videos over the last few years using violence when none was used against them to start, they just assumed someone was a fascist.
3) You have assumed many things about me based simply on a poem I added which is all about being radicalized.
4) The issue is when you decide who is a fascist and that you have a right to use violence against them.
5) Any group that organizes under any flag other than the flag of the country in which they reside is in danger of becoming radical and this always ends up in the whole scale murder of people that are deemed the enemy.
6) I will say again there as many people who feel threatened by the far left as there are who feel that way about the right. You do not get to decide who is or isn't a threat.
7) In these posts not once have I cussed at you, called you delusional or called your ideas left wing bullshit.
8) Enough people felt that the left was a threat to their way of life that they voted in Trump. Ask yourself why that may be? Dont tell them their concerns are delusional or stupid or tell them to fuck off or call them a fascist. Just listen. (Id say the same to the right)
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A poem I wrote a couple of years back! Our world view is always shaped by our echo chamber.

Days of Evil

In those days of evil we became divided

We were barbarians at each others throat
In both word and deed
Our love for our fellow countrymen
Turned to hatred and chose a side

We were pitted against one another
Determined that our side was right
And any who strayed were torn to shreds
Old wounds were torn wide open

We were told that we would be the heroes
Of a new revolution, a new world
The young heeded the call to arms
Thinking that they were invincible

“We know the right way!” they cried
“If you are not for us you are against us!”
They thought it was something new
it had happened many times before

The outcome is always the same
A terrible toll on humankind
It always ends in the killing of the other
The other that we hated, that we blamed

We should weep over our arrogance
Get on our knees and cover ourselves with ashes
Grieve for what we bought on all
Mourn deeply for our humanity lost

How did we get to this point?
Perhaps it was the propaganda
That spewed forth from our tvs
That we so easily fell for

How did we become so frenzied?
Maybe it was the powers that be
Who wanted to keep us divided
To distract from their misdeeds

How did we find it so easy to hate?
Perhaps it was the whisper in our ears
’See that person over there?”
“They are to blame for all your issues!”

How were we so easy to manipulate?
It is not because We were dumb or innocent
It is that we wanted an excuse to act out
Our hatred of the other!!

In those days of evil blood ran through the streets!
Insightful, nuanced words, Remmy! I always enjoy your poetry.

I do not think you will sway anyone here, unfortunately. Those who are radicalized won't be swayed by thoughtful, reasoned discourse. They are emotion-based creatures, and their minds are fully made up with no room for further consideration, for they see the world as black-and-white, not nuanced.
Seriously, it's false equivalence rubbish from someone who may not think they support Trump and the neo-fascists, but clearly gets their information and from sources biased towards Trump and the neo-fascists. When dealing with people like Trump and the neo-fascists he is enabling there can be no middle ground: you are either against them, or for them. The only right choice you have is how you choose to oppose them.
You further prove my point.
I prove nothing of the sort, as I don't seriously think you have a genuine point. I am well capable of nuance and seeing the world in many shades, but there are only two ways of seeing fascism. Are you telling me there are good things about fascism? On this we have to choose a side, there is no middle ground and to think or claim that there is, is both misguided and delusional. I am not radicalised, but neither am I dull in my senses when faced with the the real threat of the far-right, which is a real and present threat, and not the 'straw man' threat of the far-left which though could potentially present a threat, is currently far from being one, so far in fact as to not warrant any serious consideration.
Well, we've gotten to live proto-Communism as a de facto policy in the collective West for some time. That has proven to be just as effective at protecting individual rights and liberties as every other experiment with Communism has throughout history.

Maybe it's time to let the pendulum swing the other direction, and see what "far right" nationalism looks like for a time. It certainly cannot be any worse.
If you want to "see what "far right" nationalism looks like", get yourself a history book and look up Germany 1933-1945.
Thank you, I've never heard of this before now.
FFS are you serious? Your claim that we've somehow been living under 'proto-communism' is both ridiculous and demonstrably untrue. Even at the height of Keynsian economics the 'collective west' was still capitalist at base, (as was the 'communist' bloc, but I suspect that's beyond your clearly limited comprehension). For the past nigh on half century the developed world has fallen victim to the neo-liberals who are now morphing into the far-right.

History tells us that far-right nationalism is far, far worse than what was called communism, (again, false equivalences are being used) though of course those regimes were extremely questionable. If you doubt how far-right nationalism can be bad, there is the spectre of Nazi era Germany, or Italy, and neo-fascist USA is shaping up to establish concentration camps and persecute minorities. Are you seriously in support of those things?

Get real!
There is also the inconvenient fact that individual rights and liberties don't exist under fascist/totalitarian regimes.
Ah, right, the old "REAL Communism has never been tried before!" argument.
I'm sorry, but the poem, like Trump when he was 45th president of the USA when he passed his jusdment on the events at Charlottesville is far too balanced. Those of us on the left, the humanist and those of faith who truly love humanity do not hate, We are forced to take a side, and as Bishop Desmond Tutu reminded us "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

Anti-fascism isn't about hatred, but about love of humanity, but it isn't pacifist either, nor is it necessarily non-violent. However, it's not the anti-facsists that decide the course of events, as anti-fascism is a reaction to fascism, and is a force for good. Not all of us live in an echo chamber, we have the internet and some of us know how to use it, and also read a range of views - how else can we counter the lies of people like Trump, Farage, Meloni, Milei, Orban etc? Some of us read books written by experts in their field, books written former Trump insiders who found their humanity and blew a whistle. So no, most of us here who are concerned about the rise of the far-right do not live in an echo chamber, and we care deeply about our world and are prepared to fight for it, if needs be. From the sounds of it, you seem to be saying in your poem that people should, instead of taking a stand against evil should just pretend it isn't happening.
My poem is about extremism on either side. Your reply confirms my ideas in the poem. ". Those of us on the left, the humanist and those of faith who truly love humanity do not hate, We are forced to take a side, and as Bishop Desmond Tutu reminded us "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." What you have written here matches my words here

"We were pitted against one another
Determined that our side was right
And any who strayed were torn to shreds
Old wounds were torn wide open

We were told that we would be the heroes
Of a new revolution, a new world
The young heeded the call to arms
Thinking that they were invincible

“We know the right way!” they cried
“If you are not for us you are against us!”
They thought it was something new
it had happened many times before.

There are just as many concerned about the rise of the far left ie Antifa etc as there are that are concerned about the far-right ie Nazis etc Your superiority is showing in your comments.
Just fuck off with your right-wing bullshit! Antifa don't represent any threat at all to anyone who isn't a fascist. And the far left is nowhere near government wheras the USA now has a neofascist president. For fuck's sake wake the fuck up and smell the coffee. And of course my arguments are superior to any fascist bullshit that ultimately ends in the deaths of many people. Jeeezus Christ, some people need to get a sense of perspective!
Antifa is a violent terroristic organization and should be forbidden.
Just fuck off with your cretinous rubbish!
Ah, a real Antifa member :)
You've just been told that Antifa isn't an organisation, so no one can join, and it has no membership, I'm not an Antifa member. I do however shade under the Antifa umbrella like any decent anti-fascist. Are you seriously telling me that you're outing yourself as a fascist or fascist supporter?
Antifa is not an organized entity at all, nor is it violent, let alone terroristic. Climb out of your echo-chamber and reconnect to reality.
Thank you for your reply Anachron.

It seems you are disconnect from reality :-)
That's not a problem at all but don't accuse others about something that you lack.

Have a great day :)
A Google picture search, wow! That absolutely proves it! For fucks sake, do some proper research, read a few books, Hananh Arendt is good, read Robert Reich's Substack, in fact open your obviously closed mind and STOP WATCHING FOX NEWS!
That there are antifascists doesn't mean there is an organization "Antifa". Antifa is just a label - there is no organization that could be forbidden - its an opinion and you wouldn't forbid an opinion, would you? And if you would, that exactly would label you a fascist.
No I will speak my thoughts, just as you have yours. How you managed to see "Right wing bullshit" in what I have written is a puzzle to me. You don't get to decide if someone feels threatened or not. You have the same mindset that leads dictators to do terrible things. My way is right and good and anyone who counters that position is the enemy. Be careful your side does not descend into that violence you so seem to resort to.
Watch your delusions Remmy. I have never even suggested that you should not speak your mind. Along with Rousseau, though I disagree with you, I would defend your right to express your opinion to the death. And how the hell to you think the violence unleashed by Trump and those like him can be countered? The worst thing about fascism is that ultimately it always reduces anyone opposing it to adopting similar methods to defeat it. It's a cancer and radical surgery is sometimes the only way. If you feel as threatened by what you call the 'far-left' (presumably people like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Occasio-Cortez) then you're an idiot. Antifa isn't even an organisation, yet you've swallowed the right-wing BS that is is and that it's a threat to civilisation. Antifa was founded by anarchists in 1930s Germany as an umbrellla for all anti-fascist organisations, whether they were left wing or not and it is still an umbrella, a rallying point for anti-fascists of all cloths.You can't join Antifa! And anyway the truly danegerous elements of the far left are microscopically small and very fragmented, and far too busy chopping lumps out of each other's beliefs to seriously bother anyone with a healthy sense of perspective. I bet you can't even name one far left organisation that represents a serious threat to your life, and yet you choose to focus on that rather than the elephant in the room! If 'my side' does have to use violence it will be as a response to the violence used by the far-right in a way that is justified, as a defensive action. I don't have a clue where you get the idea that I have a similar mindset to dictators doing terrible things when it should be crystal clear that ALL my arguments are countering the actions of dictators. How will your 'right and good' ways counter the dictator currently in the White House? I'd be interested to see how your methods stack up to that.

By the way, to avoid all doubt, I DO NOT advocate first use of violence and even where violence is justified it should only be used to the extent necessary to counter the violence of the threat faced.

Bishop Desmond Tutu reminded us "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." You seem to advocate neutrality, so have you sided with the enemy? Convince me otherwise.

Whose side are you on?
I'm sure the young men hired by Elon right now to work with DOGE are feeling very threatened by the left seeing as they have been doxxed and calls from the left to harm them.

Many threats on Bluesky and other left wing social media. And before you call me a right wing delusional idiot Im just putting this here to counteract your claim that there is nothing to fear from the left.
Suzi you stated that there is nothing to fear from the left. Your reply to this image shows that there is. You have decided that Elon and those that work for him are Fascists and are therefore targets of violence. A few posts back you were saying that you are against violence and here you are advocating it based on your belief that Elon and those he has hired are traitors and fascists. My poem stands. You have become radicalised to the point you are willing to cause harm to others. Innocent people will get caught up in that.
Perhaps if those traitorous workers didn't accept blood money they wouldn't have been doxxed. They would have been warned. Fascists and those who work for them deserve all they get, Bluesky 'left wing social media? Get real Remmy!

Did you not notice that the post you link to is called WhitePeopleTwitter? Did that not give you a clue that it's a White Supremacist channel? What DOGE is doing is morally reprehensible and instead of supporting it you should be condemning it.

And oh....

It seems that subreddit has been banned for violent content, inciting or gloryfying violence, and doxing.

I'm sure the neo-fascists are very proud to have such a useful idiot a yourself!
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It is sad when you have put so much effort into something and then are forced to shut it down. :(
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Good Texturing really does make a difference. Well done looks beautiful.
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I have been reading a fair bit on this over the last couples of days with interest. For the last year or so I have been uploading CC0 assets from a site that I am a Patreon of. The files are in FBX so I have had to convert to DAE in Blender and then I paint the faces and make ao maps (yes, the older way of doing it but I'm still learning). I have then textured a lot of these items and am slowly putting them into my Gloebit stores (hopefully open soon). What I also plan on doing is releasing the base models and ao maps etc to the OS community for use. I will only be trying to sell the models (for a small cost) I have textured and animated. I have been converting Mixamo animations for use in my creations as well as what I can know is legal in OS. It's been slow work but am almost ready to open. The resources are out there, and it just takes time for us to make our own stuff. It takes just as long to bring in copybotted items, it's a lot of work. I will also be giving shop space (at my Gloebits mall) to any ORIGINAL content creators for free as long as they are bringing in original or CC0 works. It will be up to the creators to decide if they wish to sell or give away for free the items, I am doing a combination of both. This is my contribution to making OS less reliant on SL items (yes I do use stuff from SL to). Whatever SL ends up doing we can adapt; we are creative enough.
Seriously, I hope it won't take too long until the Max bodies come out. OpenSim needs mesh bodies of its own with useable devkits and hopefully without the "quirks" that give Ruth2 and Roth2 users headaches.
Yes would be good then i can learn to make clothing to.
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I have a fair bit of the ruth and Roth avatar stuff on my grid. Jupiter Rowland also has a lot.
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I like SF poser and am using it in the furniture im doing!
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EEEk Hyacinth! What have ya unleashed!
There's more! In the legend there is a giant beaver he does battle with. Hobomock vs Beev-zilla!!!
Wait so earthquakes and floods!
And giant beavers that get beheaded and the head and guts turn into mountains. On cold winter's nights, when the moon is full in the Pocumtuk Valley, you can hear the Great Beaver screaming like godzilla.
Sounds like a Dam full of fun!
Dam skippy!
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Speaking of people coming back ahaha
hahahaha, yeah but I get to blame RL Grid and the finite clock!
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I think this is my new fav place!
Yes we all enjoy it too, thank you for stopping by! And consider adding to it!
I have put a few sofas out there already :)
Please forgive me for missing those, when I went today, I could not even find my own crap!! There was like three times as much as yesterday, I was lost lol
Its ok and yes there is a lot more there now. :)
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Love the idea
Thank you hugs Remmy 💗
Wonders what crap i can come up with heehe
oh nice!!! We need more crap creators Yayy thank you
Could start a museum of crap!
Yes ! Fred creates dung beetles I will make one our mascot!
A Crap World fun park! Fun for the whole family!
That would have been Times Square last night ugh, that looked gruelling lol
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Avatars really are an art form in themselves!
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Looks Wigwarm and cosy!
Yep! I've actually camped in one that I made in RL, in the middle of January one time. We survived just fine. I am part Mi'kmaq though... I might have the northern-canada genetics for it. hehe
You must do! Being Aussie id probably freeze
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Love to see people being creative
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I am not sure about Lockguard but i am using SF poser and it can take a bit to work out at first. I prefer it to AVsitter.
Yes, I've seen it working with AVposer... I might have another look at it. I'm jsut way too familiarised with AVsitter
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You are a building machine!!
Only when I'm inspired.
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I rezzed it out its lovely thanks!!!