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DJ Macy's Rock, Blues and...BLUES ROCK!! Blue Grotto Bar 6:00pm!
Region: Mermaid's Cove
Event begins: 6:00pm
Added by: JojoA
DJ Macy is back to bring you her famous Blues, Blues rock and rock! If you know Macy, you know she's an amazing DJ and her specialty is Blues and Blues Rock! if you don't know her, it's about time you come to see and hear her! Macy is bubbly and fun and loves to spin for you! Come on over to the Blue Grotto tonight to party with us! We will try to make the mermaids behave but more fun if they don't! Fun attire, come as you are! (bits covered please!)
hg.osgrid.org:80:Mermaid's Cove