
Added by :
Tigerkitti Eberdene
Created :
9 months ago
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*Georgetown has changed from a 3x3 to 4 2x2 regions, and some areas are still under some construction.
They consist of Georgetown, Georgetown Heights, CFB Georgetown and Georgetown Provincial Park.
Georgetown is the main town area of the land. There you will find shopping, church, Casino and Horse race track. Dancing Grizzly Club, Opensim fishing, Arena with skating, park settings, boating and much more.
Georgetown Heights is where you can live! Need a home? This is a beautiful place to live! There is no cost. Generous prim allowance. You must keep in theme with the land, which is set to be a Northern Ontario Canada area and town. We change seasons, so you would adapt to that. Deocrate your yard and home and often I hold contests for seasonal displays. Basically, you would not place anything you would not see in RL there. (so no tropical, floating stuff, glowy etc. Keep it natural so it looks just like RL please) Only rules are if you "rent" here please be here. If you will be away for an extended time, or decide you wish to not be here, let me know so that we can offer the spot to someone wanting to be online. You can interact throughout all 4 sims. Your prims should remain on your yard, but if you wish to build or rez larger items there is a build area in the sky for tenants. Those who have the land that borders water have no back part to their fences, so that if they wish to have a boat to launch off their yard they can. You can boat all around all 4 sims and up in between Georgetown, and the Provincial park as well.
CFB Georgetown is the home of the fictional army unit named 222 Service Battalion. I built this area based on my memories of different bases I was on in RL. It is very interactive, with a gym you can work out in, complete with a pool and diving board. Barracks to stay in. "out in the field" area and trench training. Rifle range. Many buildings and areas to explore here. Even a "surprise" bonus area! ;-)
Georgetown Provincial Park is set up with Grey Wolf Lodge, trails for riding horses or hiking. A camping area, beach and many things to explore. Watch out for the wildlife!
My land(s) are set to look as close to walking into a real life place as I can get it. I want everyone to feel at home and welcome here. All are welcome.
Please be respectful of tenants, and don't cam or enter their homes unless they invite you in.
There will be events and contests held at different times and dates to be announced.

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The best Halloween set up I have seen.