Valeria's Avatars 2


even the second sim is a must see.. some people dont get it..its not about the deco stuff, the avatars are awesome

8 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

In this shop you will find beautifully designed avatars for women and men. You can take a closer look at the avatars beforehand by viewing him as an NPC. Once you have decided, you have to send the creator Valeria Rossi a message with the name of the avatar you want or ask an employee in the shop and the avatar will be sent to you immediately.

9 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Cara signora io non sono fittizia e neanche mio marito Alfa lo è in quanto a Wrex è il figlio RL di Valeria, Solo perchè non hai potuto raggiungerci lo hai detto. Valeria è una persona seria onesta e buona aiuta tutti anche chi come te la offende senza motivo. Se non sei capace di leggere un altra lingua usa un traduttore
Nella land ci sono molti cartelli in lingue diverse se ti prendessi la briga di leggere avresti capito come ottenere un avatar, anche quando Valeria educatissima ti ha mandato la spiegazione tu non hai saputo leggere e hai fatto uno stupido commento. Impara a leggere invece di criticare e offendere!

8 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Great avatars! Saves hours of work setting one up, they look fantastic. Recommend highly!

11 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Me ha encantado el lugar. Avatares especiales y diferentes. Valeria es una persona súperamable, atenta y maravillosa.

12 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Hi Valeria. I visited your store and saw many cool avatars. It's very difficult to choose because they are all so nice. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do and for your kindness in offering it to others. Take care, a hug
Katie Watkins:

2 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Jerralyn Franzic
The avatars are awesome to behold! I'll admit, once I add them to my inventory I try to wear the clothes for myself, rather than walking around as the avatars taken. In any case, these are fun to have around and I can't say enough about how much work Valeria puts into crafting them.

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

This is a wonderful idea to create NPC's to see what the avatar's look like. The perfect solution for people who struggle with being able to create their own look. I am happy with my avatar, but really was impressed with this concept and visited for a friend who has no clue how to create an avatar. Once he comes online I will be bringing him to Valeria's Avatars 2 so he can select his look. I am sure he will be impressed. Such a wonderful concept.

5 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Beautiful avatars, really well done! Congratulations, the system for 'gifting' them to users is a bit complex... why not make them obtainable right away? Furthermore, in all this beauty, there's one thing I don't like at all, full of 'dummy' avatars that generate traffic, this is bad Valeria, very bad! Someone could report your region!

9 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Beautiful avatars, very helpful staff. Alfa spent a while with me, helping me to get my look just right. You will leave here looking great!

9 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Valeria was very helpful and friendly. I came to her with an avatar that had skin that that I could not texture and she gave me an avatar that had skin with multiple textures that looked great. I'm very pleased. Thankyou Valeria!

10 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Avatar unici bellissimi

10 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

lando maremagnum
Quando la passione, l'arte e la professionalità si incontrano ... è così che nascono le creazioni di Valeria: splendidi doni per tutto l'universo di OS, che ci fanno vivere e sognare e che diventano anche una occasione di catarsi dai problemi della vita quotidiana.
When passion, art and professionalism meet ... this is how Valeria's creations are born: splendid gifts for the whole universe of OS, that make us live and dream and that also become an opportunity for catharsis from the problems of everyday life.

10 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Zephner Magic
Awesome avatars and the owner was ver nice. I say if your looking for a new look go here.

11 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Ancora supera le aspettative,
Valeria è un artista ha creato il mondo dei Perleans del film ,i suoi personaggi e il paese di conchiglie sembrano cosi reali. Gli avatar di Valeria sono come dire... Vivi e bellissimi grazie di condividere i tuoi capolavori con noi ♥

12 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report