Paramour Shopping Adult

Paramour Shopping
Added by :
Littlefield Grid
Created :
3 years ago
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Home of Aine Caoimhe's PMAC system and creations. This region will remain up permanently and in it's current state in memory of Aine Caoimhe who's incredible gift of the PMAC system revolutionized Dance Systems and Posing Systems in Opensimulator. Unfortunately Aine is no longer with us so there will be no further updates or support for the PMAC products. All products which Aine made public are available to all users and grids. This region is a cross between a shopping center and art gallery. Most artwork is either set to allow visitors to right-click and take copy, or to click and buy. Littlefield Grid.

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2 years ago

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Littlefield Grid Jupiter. Thank you for pointing that out. I will put a copy of that out right now on the region.
Jupiter Rowland A place of legend made by a lady of legend, so much has to be said. Reserve some time to relax at the Roman bath house. The only caveat is that Aine hasn't put up her most popular creation on this sim for everyone to pick up, the Clubmaster Dance Machine. Everything else is there, but the Clubmas...