The Art Factory


The Art Factory
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The Art Factory

Welcome to the heart of the Artists Quarter in Montmartre Paris and New York City. Here you will find work from real world and inworld and Landmarks including The Lapin Agile Cafe and Van Gogh Yellow House.

The Art Factory is a collaborative Art Project that is bringing together both Real World art and In world creativity.

The Art Factory welcomes in the 20's... The 1920's! Ride our Electric Tram, All stops Sacre Cour, Pigalle, Giverny & Arles

Wishing everyone a Happy New Christmas and all the very best for your OpenSim projects in 2020, keep being creative!

Competition time! Come on all you arty types get creative, free Bananas for anyone that wants one.

Pop in for a coffee and relax as you explore the Galleries in New York City District

Exodus Dragons Gallery Open Day
Where: The Art Factory
When: 5 years ago [15 Dec 2019 04:00 SLT]

Exodus Gallery Open Day
Exodus Dragons was born in 1991 and is studying CGI graphic design. He is a Digimon enthusiast and also passionate about animation in the Disney world. He creates digital sculptures using Zbrush and Unity3d program to make digital wallpaper.
"I want you to remember the times when we all played and watched the Digimon brandand above all to depict in our memories the most beautiful moments, the value of friendship, collaboration and team spirit."
- Exodus

Lautrecs Grand Opening
Where: The Art Factory
When: 5 years ago [7 Dec 2019 02:30 SLT]

We will be spinning some tunes over at Lautrecs in the Paris District to celebration the opening of Lautrecs. Come and join us!

See you all on Saturday to celebrate Golden Week!

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