GOR Sardar Fair Adult

GOR Sardar Fair
Added by :
kindra Turian
Created :
9 years ago
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The Counter Earth Grid is the ORIGINAL all-Gorean Grid, built by some of the true Elders of Gor, Gorean men who can trace their Gorean roots back to the 1990s and the very first Gorean homes that ever existed online. In the Counter Earth Grid, you're standing with Goreans who have loved and fought and triumphed their way across the Face of Gor for decades and will support your right to YOUR Gor, YOUR way, within the Homestead or City that you rent.

The Counter Earth Grid brings over 9 years of actual grid experience, growth, and stability to the table, with constantly improving servers, speed, and reliability. The Grid Admins provide you with support and assistance, not just with technical aspects, but with their in-depth knowledge of Gor, the Gor novels, and Gorean interactions. Whether you want By-The-Book or Gor Evolved, they're available to help you get going.

Your Gorean city or homestead will be connected to all of Gor, by land and river and Thassa. You can travel from Turia to the Sardar Mountains on a tarn if you choose or take a slower wagon across the Sea of Grass and the burning sands of the Tahari before making your way from Tor and up the Silk Road through the foothills of the mighty Voltai mountains. Sail from Skjern to Tabuk's Ford by ship, then dock and set forth afoot to see what adventures await you in high perched Tarnburg, in the red Voltai Mountains. The choice is yours as you roleplay your way across the wilds of Gor!
What people are saying about us? Thank you Thirza Ember for your kind words and thoughtful interview about Counter Earth Grid. We look forward to seeing you often- https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/2022/01/counter-tops.html#mo...

Counter Earth Grid- Longest RUNNING all Gorean Grid in Open Sim. Celebrating 9 years in August 2023- Come join the fun! What's YOUR Gor in YOUR City?

The Gorean City of Tarns on Counter Earth Grid

kindra Turian: The Ar of the South- continuously running since 1996- 2 years ago

Our annual Holiday Show is approaching soon! Dec 16 at 6 pm pacific time- come early to get a seat and listen to holiday music.

Counter Earth Grid celebrating 8 years Aug 14. Thank you to all of our patrons for these wonderful years! See our wonderful builds- join our role play cites - all are recruiting!

Visit our cities to see our great builds and how talented our builders are in our close to 30 active communities- Counter Earth Grid where Gor still lives!

Visit our cities to see our great builds and how talented our builders are in our close to 30 active communities- Counter Earth Grid where Gor still lives!

Holiday Dance Show Counter Earth Grid
Where: GOR Sardar Fair
When: 4 years ago [19 Dec 2020 20:00 SLT]

Join us for our Holiday Dance show - this year our show is dedicated to Holiday Musicals with a TWIST. You can even take a sleigh all the way from our Sardar Fair to the Sardar Field theater. We hope you will join us!

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Reviews (15)
Overall Rating:
JesiB Have been here about a week and everyone has been extremely welcoming! Thank you all! I highly encourage others to try it out!
wicked I went to Sardar fair again.. recently . Had a good time. People were very nice and love the decor as always and shopping area. I come by about once a year or more.. Still great place to go. Yes, it is role play but they don't treat me like an outsider and that is awesome!.
Bob47 Does not look like in the pictures, which I can live with, but the store is outdated and half of their items can't be bought; because they either are grid only or the people putting them out did not pay attention and put out items with no copy textures and script. I also looked around on their grid ...

Region Comments

Such a beautiful region....not just Sardar Fair itself but all that I had time to see of the surrounding areas as well. A pleasure to just wander around and explore as you have the time.
Thank you for your kind words. We hope you will consider visiting us often :)
Thank you for your kind words!! We love having you and your city in Counter Earth Grid!
Amazing place with friendly, welcoming people. The builds are incredible to see as well. I had a great time visiting and having a tour. I'm really glad that I decided to check it out because I was very impressed! Grid wasn't locked down, got there easy, met no one with I'm-An-SL-BTB-Gor-Expert attitude which was refreshing as hell. If you go and visit, just please leave your attitude at the gate and be nice. These people deserve it.
last I knew you all locked your grid down to except for those who had av's there. Did ya get lonely?
Hi there sharanncousine! I'm sorry you had trouble getting into the grid. Others are hypergridding into the grid every day so I think your issue may be specific to your situation. If you contact the admin on the website we'll be glad to help you get it sorted out.
I am not sure where you got this information but in the last 7 plus years that our grid has been open, that has not been the case. Here is a wonderful article about us that will help you get to know us- Counter Earth Article by Thirza Ember
Where: GOR Sardar Fair
When: - [30 Nov 1999 00:00 SLT]
Been here a few,s days now.the people here are Very nice and very welcoming .should come check it out and see for yourself.
MY HOME! A great place for role play and to get some great things for you home! COME PLAY WITH US!!!!
Wow its so much bigger and very nicely done
could spend days here thank you