Bulvar Wolfhunter @Bulvar

Kvitravn Offline

Chieftain of Kvitravn

Joined 9 years ago

About Myself


My Regions

7 2 jand.dyndns.biz:7002:Kvitravn 0 Users
Kvitravn is a privately owned, adult (21+), immersive Gorean BTB Roleplay VAR region dedicated to the Gor book series focusing primarily on the life and culture of the Gorean North in Torvaldsland. A limited number of homes are available for our roleplaying members. If you come to visit, just ge...
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My Reviews

The Furniture Vault

Went for a visit. Most of the things are available to be taken, but not all which is unfortunate. I'm guessing that things didn't work out where you were, so it's good to have you back with us. Please bring back the animals I'd like to pick up a few. Too bad you won't bring out the Water Horses, they would be fun to ride.


Can't understand why I'm banned from a grid I never visited. Interesting to say the least.

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