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Lbsa Plaza

How is it that LBSA and Osgrid are always number 1 on Opensim World ?
Frequented only by NPCs the attendance statistics are false the SIM is deserted
Looking for where the people are? Trying to get assistance? Looking to make a friend? Wanting somewhere to go and see what's happening at all hours? Then this is the place for you to go. Are there good people there? Yes. Do some not so good people come to this location? Yes, it is a virtual world and a welcome area so that is un-avoidable but it lately it is minimal on the bad element and they do not stay long. Rules? Yes, like any good place that is filled with people it is a must as it is the area where most of all opensim comes and goes out of it is necessary but not un-reasonable, most is common sense. Can You have fun there? Yes and be silly if you like. Does that area allow mute and block? Yes. If you for some reason do not like what you hear then it is a simple click of a button, You can turn sound on or sound off as well as block and mute. We all have things we prefer to hear and things we do not. I think it is more than worth the visit. Do people go afk there like in sl? Yes, though most are just in private im or multi-tasking. Most respond with an im if not no worries there're plenty of people. I been in opensim for years and it is still the " it" place to go.
I don't mind coming here for about 5 minutes or less every time I log in. I have met one person who is stable, intelligent and respectful that I am friends with . We speak occasionally and that seems to work for both of us. Anyone else there that I have friended, I have unfriended again as they were just not friend material for me. Most people just say "hi" which doesn't achieve much if not followed by intelligible conversation.
Lots of private IMing so what you see and hear on the surface is not what is really going on. Other than well meaning non talkers there are a lot of very angry aggressive and rude avatars with no social skills just waiting to pour their filthy wrath on innocent bystanders. I have blocked and derezzed a number of them and will continue to do so to spoil their vitriolic rages. LOL I do imagine they are busy continuing to say nasty and nonsensical things about all and sundry ...and I just don't care as I cannot see or hear them.
I was there two days ago and had a ball, it was fun and the people there at that time were gregarious, fun and a pleasure to be around, kudos Lbsa Plaza, I will be back to enjoy more of the fun, thank you
first time I came to opensimi enjoyed the warm welcome of ppl of this grid and this sim :)
Good evening everyone, recently there will be my own grid to hypergrid And I'm needing staff of all kinds More information by private message to whom you may be interested In my profile you will have the link., To my grid. A greeting from Spain
LOVE LOVE LOVE This place! Anywhere is OSGrid always has something great to offer and this is one of them . . . me thinks it's the main hub of OSGrid, but not sure about that but it's really awesome to come and visit! Thank You all for the many freebies that you provide! BIG HUGGELZ! Passion Jumanji from The Encore Escape Grid
The HUB of the Metaverse. Much like a Grand Central Railroad station, this social lounge has the gift of virtual life many seek. It has been voted the "friendliest" in the Metaverse, which I can see why. Yes, as in life out there, in here we can find all manner of personalities. Many make you laugh, many make you see behind the avatar into their own life, many listen well, others talk well, some babble well. We dance, we enjoy music, (on the stream or not). We meet, and we live a life in this wonderful OSG Lounge. If we seek something more, it can be found as well. The grid is well managed by a few handful in Admin, and managed expertly. Help is always available. So, do come give us a try..meet the best we have..*grins and more.
excelente trabajo de los admins de OsGrid.
Chakra Awareness-Beginner/Intermediate @ OSG11B Builds 1PM PST / Grid Time

Chakras In Motion School of Chakra Awareness & Education on the road @ OSG11B- the 11th birthday of OS Grid!
Aprox. 2 hour class Starting at 1PM GRID TIME (PST) on Monday July 30th beginner to intermediate. Learn about the power inside of us all & how to use it to benefit health- Physical & Emotional, relieve pain, enhance creativity, communication & more!
Voice enabled- you must be able to listen in voice but do not have to speak in voice.
Instructor Cataplexia Numbers
hg.osgrid.org:80:OSG11B (338,198,24)

Great place !
Point is already named.
And your commentary makes it clear that it does not matter to you. but osgrid is responsible. and it is as it is, that you as well as other grids have the opportunity to see adult content as a child behind an avatar. and you believe behind a tos is it done with it. very bad! I would think it over exactly where I complete my account garade then if there are grids that do not handle it irresponsibly.
Here you have the opportunity, as in most grids, to visit adult communities as a child behind adult avatars
gestapo meet point
I Love my Homebase ,perfekt startbase to hop the OsGrid and Hypergrid. Gratz at the admins nice work
The lounge is a great place to start your life in OS - help advice LM's land everything will be given to you !
I met my partner in this place so it holds a special place in my heart as he does. Meet people from all over the virtual world here and find out how to build your own little world on the OS Grid- a free grid funded by donations of it's inhabitants! One of my homes on open Sim! - Cataplexia Numbers
Met some great Avatars. You know who you are. Thanks.
Nothing like the good ol' social hub of the Hypergrid. Pretty much guaranteed to always find someone passing through or hanging out.
I find this region acceptable.