Yin Yang Town Adult


Awesome build! Thanks for the goodies. Thanks for sharing.

7 days ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

FallenAngel Absent
Thank you very much! I was actually only looking for the cuddly teddy. Now I have lots of shopping bags on my arm again :-D Beautiful sim, beautiful gardens, nice to linger in, beautifully designed. The only thing I wish for is suitable music for Tai Chi ;-)

10 days ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

DjChanel Hurricane
Wonderful place, friendly owner, thank you so much for sharing :)

10 days ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Lovely place
Thank you so much for sharing your creativity :)

11 days ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

I didn't think much about the Tai Chi...until I used it alone. It calmed my energy and allowed me to think and center myself. A pretty Amazing place :)

18 days ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Deserves more than five stars! A truly magnificent region that surrounds you with a true feeling of ancient Japan. It is clear that attention was paid to every detail and there are wonderful views in every direction. Very relaxing environment and I highly recommend a visit.

1 month ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Yana Dakota
Beautiful Region, visit yesterday for the first time...it looks wonderful and its very recognizable for me. We have similar but still very different landscaped regions. wonderful job ! A 5 stars very worth!! Best layout i ever saw!

1 month ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Richard Lagoon

Beautifully designed Japanese old town, can't wait to see when it's finished.

1 month ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Bellissima land! da visitare

1 month ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Khaos Reign
This has become one of my favourite shopping places, not just because of the amount of work that ChiChi has put into it. But the fact it's beautifully decorated! ChiChi is such a helpful person and a kind soul. Keep sharing the awesomeness! Thank you again ♥

2 days ago - mark as helpful (0) - report