Caribou Love Adult

Caribou Love
Caribou Grid
Added by :
Jeanne Lefavre
Created :
2 years ago
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I am Jeanne. I own Caribou. I share and Caribou with my long-time close friend Angelic Ronin. She is absent. My former partner and good friend Andron Rae still comes in to help me.

Caribou is my life. For over 15 years I have been working on it almost every day.

When I worked around the world I spent lonely hotel nights here.

In the long years that I fought my two cancers I was here every evening after my radiation. When medication made me sick i came to my islands.

I am still not on the clear. I need Caribou as much as ever.

My dear friend Veritas McMaster made me understand how important our experiences in the metaverse can be. I miss Veri so deeply. You will find many sites in Caribou that celebrate her and her work for all of us.

When we come somewhere in these grids, we look around. Is it nice? Is it beautiful? Is the building or the lake or the environment interesting? Do I want to see more?

Caribou is not different. I try to give attention to details. Do you still want to explore is my question?

Still, you look at us from the outside. It all changes when you enter the scene.

Your thoughts, opinions, memories, dreams - they are with you. Your sadnesses and your joys, your fears and hopes?

I am not the only creator anymore. You create the scene and experience equally much.

Veri told me how virtual worlds affect our brains. She lead me to the link between experiences and neurological health.

Veri came from Second Life. SL friends recommended to seek me up in Caribou.

Caribou was then where she received the AVs that she was helping. They went on to different adult grids for private housing.

Until Veri tragically passed away we worked together on her project.

Veri knew that experiences in adult grids can very different. They can heal but also create suffering.

Neuroscience tells how our brains work. Scientific advances show us how our feelings affect our brain.

I was socially excluded and bullied in the OS world myself. I wrote in how it hurt my real health.

Angelic and other friends helped me back. A difficult time followed. I am still not completely healed.

I know now how effective and dangerous social exclusion and harassment can be. I am a strong person. Still it hurts me sometimes.

But I was privileged because I could read and learn about this.

Others are maybe not. Some are alone, some not well, or young lonely adults seeking their place in our worlds. For them exclusion and bullying is a real danger. And it is inhuman. Makes me upset, yes.

We don't always realise this in our virtual worlds.

Ihave dedicated Caribou to the road that Veri showed me. I am still far from done. I want everyone to feel equally welcome. To be what they want to be. Where nobody is left out. Where there is no bullying. And where a beautiful and inviting environment inspires to everyone. This work is on its way.

I don't prescribe anything. My intention is just to tell what I do in Caribou. All others do things their own way. This is ours.

I want to show that there can be a way back.

Caribou cannot offer professional help. Maybe we can suggest where to seek it. But we can be here for everyone.

Caribou is my life and my love. Like a Tiger Mama I hold on to my world.

Hugs, Jeanne Lefavre


Shop, Dance, Love, Live and be Happy Together. Shemales, Ladyboys, 18+ M and F, Adult Males and Females, Nekos, Fairies, All, equal in this LGBTQAI+ world.

All is free, always. AVs from ALL GRIDS ALWAYS WELCOME.

We have the best Free Shops? Find the full GRIMM classic shop here. Also new mesh bodies, attachments, animations, body parts, Athena petite, Reborn, Legacy, Full Athena, and more. Unique stuff from our friends. Visit GRIMM and our Caribou shopping street.

Huge Adult Playground with 144 regions - some water regions for boating, some still being built. Adult Live Love Play and Stay for all. Romantic and BDSM anims. BDSM equipment at our Hot Large BDSM Island. No need for special groups or restricted access. All avatars who respect our rules are safe. 18 plus AVs from all grids.

Residents and visitors should be at least 18 years old, both in real age and as avatars. Ask Jeanne Lefavre or Andron Rae for more. Special focus on our public areas.

Adult Events many days at 12 to 14 SLT. Top Class DJs and Celebrated Live Artists. Follow us on or join our Caribou Friends group or join the Caribou Discord group.

Free homes islands and second homes available for caribou AVs and frequent visitors from all grids. Full control over parcels. Privacy respected. Security systems ok. Ask Jeanne Lefavre or Andron Rae.

See our TOS at for more.

Stable and secure, over 15 years in SL-OS. We will not disappear and leave you. Safe haven. We take care of our friends.

Open minded LGBTQ+ ownership and management. Many languages, try us.

Looking for Region builders, Creators, Managers, DJs, Hosts/Hostesses, Events Managers and others. Join us in creating a unique and safe world. Contact Jeanne Lefavre or my younger sister and deputy Christina Lion, or Andron Rae who co-manages Caribou and supports us with tech and other matters.

If you find any items in Caribou that you know are yours and that are used without permission, please do send a notecard to Jeanne Lefavre or Andron Rae, and we will remove them.

Sometimes Caribou may be difficult to reach by teleport. We are working on the issues. Please send a notecard to Jeanne Lefavre in caribougrid, OSgrid, Zetaworlds or Kitely if you experience this.

Very pleased with our hosts Masala Estates and Unadecal Masala and their friendly and efficient cooperation and great expertise.

Grid owners Jeanne Lefavre (assisted by Christina Lion) and Angelic Ronin (temporarily absent).

Grid ownership information and much more on

What a wondeful day it was. Monkey had asked me to plant some banana trees for her. So we walked over to our Medieval Village and found a place at an island just outside. I drew a deep breath, hoping that she stops buggering me about banana farming.

Monkey is my companion during long days working on this adult island world. She follows me unless my little sister Yanny Strom happens to be around. Monkey knows that Yanny can easily be talked into coming with her to steal bananas wherever she finds them in these 144 open regions.

Tearing at my hair Monkey asked me why we welcome people from every Grid when others ask for passports or something. I tried to explain that there are nice people in all Grids and regions and we love to see them all come here. I think I heard her whistle and say yesss. She must have thought about all bananas or candy that they would give her.


Caribou residents can rent most islands for free with full owner rights. AVs from all other grids can contact me to discuss free islands, second homes,
or hideaways.

We welcome 18+ AVs, short or tall, small or large. Ask me if you are not sure.

Our free shops are the best. New mesh bodies, attachments, animations, body parts, Athena petite Reborn, Legacy, Athena and more are found on our Carribou shopping street and in our huge full classic GRIMM shop. BDSM equipment in our BDSM Island Shop. Teleports and landmarks at Caribou welcome site.

Free Adult Play in all regions with lots of both romantic and BDSM animations. We are 18+ and have no need for special groups or restricted access. All avatars who respect our rules are safe.

We have bbeen over 15 years in SL-OS and will not disappear or leave you.

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