
Added by :
Tesla Kuhn
Created :
5 years ago
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A place of rest for weary travelers to enjoy it's peace.

Please subscribe to my news letter for updates on how to earn free tokens. Those can be used to play the Hi/Low contest. The winner gets a $25 gift card. You can also earn tokens playing FreePlay games. There is some renovation taking place, but I am open for visitors 24/7. I appreciate any support at all.
I'm yanking all of the third party buildings and landscaping. It's going to take awhile to get my own prims up, so please have patience. The skill games work, and the contest is still going (no cash value except final prize of $25 Amazon gift card). Use the balloon to catch a ride. Consider getting me a cup of coffee (link in profile) or helping me on Patreon so I can devote more time. I appreciate all support.

Tesla Kuhn: As mentioned before, there are "freeplay" games available to help get you started. You do not have to play the contest, it's just there for fun. I hope you enjoy what I can provide at this time. If yo... 1 years ago

Is it still too early?

Today I made a curved stair. It is constructed of traditional prims. 22 land impact. I hope you are impressed! :P

RemmyRavenhurst: I for one am impressed!! 2 years ago
Come see the new digs. Make sure to create a landmark, as I intend to be setting up games for entertainment only. Take a pic of the bunny and let me know where you found it, and I will reward you with some game tokens for use at Omnopolis.

Note: The bunny does not have to be in Rivendell. It can be anywhere in Omnopolis. I promise 1k game tokens to the first ten people who can find it, and share a link showing an image of the bunny. Game tokens for Omnopolis only.

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Jeanne Lefavre I loved the place. Walked around, played some tunes with the harpsichord, smiles at the rabbit home in the mailbox, and enjoyed the beauty of the landscape. Here, the soul rests and troubles disappear. Thank you for contributing this. And I share in the wishes for a nice Labor Day and to all hard w...
Melanie Sawyer A beautiful Tolkien themed region. A very tranquil place to visit with gorgeous views.

Region Comments

I'm yanking all of the third party buildings. It's going to take awhile to get my own structures up, so please have patience. The skill games work, and the contest is still going. Use the balloon to catch a ride. Consider buying a cup of coffee or helping me on Patreon so I can devote more time. I appreciate all support.
Thanks to everyone who showed up for my event. I gave away 260 in game currency to attendees. I hope you all had fun. Please stay tuned for next event again Friday. Bookmark and like this page, I appreciate your support!
Great machines.. Telsa.. hi 5 .. nice set up
Game room is closed January 2-4 2020 due to family arriving. All other operations are normal. Thank you for visiting.