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6 years ago
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Dakota's Retreat is a blend of fantasy and reality,enjoy the adventure!

Hope everyone visiting is getting all their freebies and having a spectacular time!

Hey all you Neverworlders,it is the spooky fun time of the year again ,come have a look at my Halloween section,hop on the tp and grab some freebies while you visit

The fantasy part of my region keeps growing,who can resist all those pretty colors!!

Have a delicious day everyone!

Wishing you all a wonderful and safe day,pop on over if you like,i have set out some new freebie hairs,all of which have huds included,i placed the new ones over by the visitor board upon arrival, two rules....enjoy and have fun!

Come check out the new and improved Christmasland with many items copyable!!

Good morning everyone,if you haven't gotten your freebies yet then beam on over and see the new additions as well

Halloween and Christmas may be over but for those who never want the festivities to end just follow the path past the hobbit house to the teleports to each of these skyboxes, still loaded with fun freebies

Just added ...a great AO and some hair,a few of them are fatpacts, come grab them while you can!!

Hidden gems by oceanside

The new and improved...Christmasland !

This was the first area I had for winter fun,it has moved to a skybox since and more to love

Spooky stuff has been added to the mix in a skybox ,teleport located just past Dakota's hobbit house,check out the Halloween freebies!!

Halloweentown (still in progress) and Christmasland skyboxes have now been added to Dakota's Retreat,you will find the teleports just past the hobbit house, new freebies in Halloweentown,enjoy!

For those of you who love the fantasy sections, there is now more to love,check it out!

Lots of new things to explore at Dakota's retreat and if you see anything that strikes your fancy that I don't have in any of the freebie boxes ,just give me a pm and I will send it to you if it is copy/transfer, have a fantastic day!

I know that I said it before,but this time is the charm,opensim beacon is up and running again,come and have fun!

The opensim beacon is back up and running,woohoo"doing the happy dance"

Come enjoy a stroll through a wilderness that leads into a fantasyland,or just unwind with a dance or a walk on the beach,the more adventurous can explore the dark caverns of the caves or climb high alps to a winter wonderland! Don't forget to pick up the many freebies scattered about . (Beacon still currently down, please just search Cassini in your maps,sorry for the inconvenience)

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2 years ago

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Reviews (3)
Overall Rating:
Ripple This place is stunning and so well done There are so many surprises, twists and turns.. Didn't get to finish enjoying the whole place so I will be back..
Misty_Falls Very colorful and cheery place. lots of stuff to see and explore. Great Job !!
Debra Ann Congi Love the scenery. Beautiful

Region Comments

So, where is the TP to get to the skybox?
Take the dirt road along the apple orchard fence ,go past that and the hobbit house,as you turn the corner you will see a Teleport sign,there are currently 2 choices of skyboxes,more are in the works :)
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It has been checked by a few people,beacon is working fine