Westeros Adult

Great Canadian Grid
Role playing
Added by :
Confrator Maximus
Created :
8 years ago
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Welcome to Westeros— a vast, role-playing sim inspired by the book and television series “Game of Thrones”. Here in Westeros, you become part of the story: from conquering lands, castles and Lords, horse-back riding, or battling dragons and White Walkers, to encountering people from all walks of life. If it could happen in Westeros, it can happen here.

As we are collecting the funds for helping GCG back, here is another day in OsGrid - GCG Hangout !
You can see the group stand strong and many people comes and dance, play table games, discuss and also ... gives money to bring back that great grid. Help us at this website : https://www.greatcanadiangrid.ca/ and follow the link to funds

Good news !
GCG (the greatCanadianGrid) will be back. After a few hickups, we all help the grid, OUR HOME, by funding it to keep it strong.
Please go to this website, follow the FUND and DONATE so we reach the goal soon ! https://www.greatcanadiangrid.ca/
Thank you !
More adventures to come in Westeros GCG !
Villagers Meeting 22dec2019
The meeting where all Westeros gather, as you know is every sunday. This time is was back at the RedKeep meeting room.
We were EIGHT people united, discussing the future and the present of this land.
So many topics were brought, but one is important to be mentioned here. The website where we post most adventures of Westeros (since october) :

You simply click on the picture and it gives you a very short resume of some that happened on that day!
===HighLady Shirah of Dorne===
Lady Shirah pledged allegiance officially today to the king and the unity of the seven Kingdoms, and became the HighLady of Dorne, the new ruler of that region.
Congratulations Lady Bare !
Many situations arrived in this day, one of them being the preparation for the opening of the Bank.
New coins were made for us as a gift. Come and see them and ask who did them !
Friday Story Circle - Another night of fun around the campfire in Westeros.
We were 4 people in tonight storytime. Three of the four people present told stories. Lady Shirah said the tale of how some birds can be clever,
The King this time told the story of how he became king and what he did read in books that no one else has access. Stories of beyong Westeros, with strange creatures of Essos and other part of the world.
Ask around to know more about what the King said !
==Search for the trade ship - Follow up==
The search began in KingsLanding with King Max , lady Shirah, Steve and GoldCloaks (guards).
The small boat was roaming towards the south when they made their first stop at Dragonstone. Ambushed and locked into a room, they found an exit by the cliffs. Back to the ship, they sailed to StormsEnd and made a discovery.
The ship was there ! Broken in pieces barely holding to a Reef.
No crew or captain around. Steve will ask Rowk for help, to find the missing crew.
Where are they?
The search for the trade ship.
Max sent a ship from KingsLanding to Dorne, to load the coal they prepared. The weather and sea were very calm for such a trip in the NarrowSea. Despite that fact, the ship disappeared. Today, KingsLanding called for a search team and will roam on the shores to find what happened to this boat.
Will you be part of the expedition ?
Villagers meeting - some surprises to come.
This meeting was made at the Vale above in the mountains. The Vale people made the meeting room a very nice place, so the sight is obviously impressive.
King Max, Lady Shirah, Steve, Tender, Lord Rowk and Asad were present. Many topics were brought and some actually very very interesting for the future of Westeros.
And also King Max will add a surprise at the next StoryCircle ! Be there this following week to see all that !
It was the StoryCircle in Westeros !
Like every fridays from now, its the moment where people gather and tells stories (Medieval of course).
4 people this week came to sit down around the campfire and told stories. Some stories made us shiver, some making us have a chuckle.
This week was fairly early, but we will adjust as attendance grow. Be there next week !
The King saves lady Suki, ... or .. did he ?
His Grace Max was offering a tour on boat around Iron-Islands, but suddenly the lady felt into the water and was drowning. For some obscure reasons the boat was too shaky and she felt. The king was trying to save her, and she got out of the water all by herself. Lady Suki was then brought to a fireplace nearby where she burned all type of things she should'nt to stay warm.
Many visitors came into Westeros, and some decided to stay. ((Good and fun people from OsGrid. )). Future seems good for the land.
Villagers meeting was in CasterlyRock today.
This time the meeting was made in CasterlyRock. We try to make it in a different place every week.
Attended the reunion were : * Lord Lagan, Asad, Lady Shirah, Lady-to-be Coralie, Tenderlee, Steve, the King Max, and Sir Chris that gifted us of his presence, in a nice looking armor.
All the topics were kept as usual on a scroll for future references.
Keep in mind the StoryNight will be on Fridays, hour still to be determined.
Be there !
Asad evicted, and Rowk is named Lord.
** Four people were looking at the CrossRoads-Inn changes when Asad came to sneak in.
Because he stole the house of lady Shirah, he was made to produce his official scrolls of property, which ended being only a door sign scratched, where he added his name. He was quickly evicted.
** After travelling back, they all stopped to meet Rowk. He requested to be in charge of the village in StormEnd. After he prooved he could maintain it, the King allowed him the title of lesser Lord. You should now see his banners !
Tonight was a joyful and fun, a simple game night at the RedKeep castle.
Present were Rowk, Asad, Steve, Max, and Ghronn a newly arrived citizen apparently from Dorne. Later on Steve met lady Shirah on her way visiting some of the locations in Westeros. Shirah is known to enjoy looking at the landscapes all around the lands.
Villagers meeting took place in StormsEnd meeting room, this time.
Tenderlee, Steve, the King Max, lady Shirah, Rowk and Asad. were present. We got a raven sent by Coralie who confirms her request to become Lady of HighGarden. Asad and Rowk continues with their merchant tradings, but will be closely watched by the Royalty.
All the weekly news were expressed during the meeting.
The king find Asad and Rowk's gold.
After a discussion with a sailor, the King finds that Asad and Rowk has a trading business running.
Since the treasury trip is over, they come back towards Sunspear (Dorne) where Asad has been seen breaking into a house .
Afraid of the consequences Asad ran away, but Rowk got caught fast enough still in his house of StormsEnd for some questioning on their activities.
Will both Rowk and Asad comply to the King request or they will end up in jail ?
==Rowk and Asad seems to have plans==

In a strange course of events, Asad and Rowk seems to have moved in Sunspear and StormsEnd.
As both are always having tricky troublesome behaviors, plus they loves girls and beers way too much, we can expect them to have ideas that wont be the most acceptable.
What are they planning this time ?
Nov 2019
Crossing the path of Rowk.
While doing the Treasury trip with the King, Steve stopped at OldTown and found Rowk wandering around the manors.
The shady man seemed surprised, and quickly disappeared in a boat towards the East.
Why Rowk was in such a hurry ? Is he involved in the dropping of items at the Western docks ?
''Knowing his past behavior we have everything to worry about''. Steve thinks .
Unknown activity in Port of OldTown
Kings' urgent request !
During his visit to the recently built extended docks of the port of Oldtown, King Max noticed unregistered activity.
Who knows of any delivery of some huge barrels ?
Who left the old anchor and ship's wheel behind ?
Please report to the First Hand, he will further investigate.
A woman, Coralie of HighGarden was wearing a crown while discussing at the RedKeep. The King who was nearby became curious as she was clearly not Lady (ruler) of any kingdoms.

-"I would be honored if Your Grace could allow me to take care of High Garden and giving my allegiance to you. I will send my squire to make the arrangements for a date, if you may"
Visitors and the kingdom meeting, ...and more

* Westeros got some visitors in the last 3 days, about 9 of them.
* Something was added for you to find!
* The King went to relax in the backyard of the Crossroads Inn during the beginning of the Treasury trip.
* Also once returned, the usual villagers meeting took place at the RedKeep and 6 people attended. Rowk, Asad, Coralie, Max, Tender and Steve.
Here is a picture of the meeting.
===Remember Westeros meetings are every Sundays around 12 or 1pm GCG time !===

Read our adventures and roleplays here from now on , in PHOTOS & POSTS !

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Click here or copy/paste this link : https://opensimworld.com/hop/82978-WesterosRP/

Westeros RP sim in GCG

The greatest grid, the most active RolePlay sim, VACANT POSITIONS and FREE HOUSING for active RP'ers.
If you too want to enjoy the best possible views on a pretty much exact copy of the entire Westeros continent and are a true active RolePlayer, then you shouldn't miss out on the "Westeros Throne Game".
Who wins ? Who looses ? One way to find out ...
Register to https://www.greatcanadiangrid.ca/ to find 'Westeros' in GCG search and become a legendary part of Westeros, or simply TP there with your existing OpenSim account.
Try out Roleplay with Westeros!
Where: Westeros
When: 7 years ago [20 Jan 2018 14:00 SLT]

Curious about roleplay or already an active roleplayer? Come check out a Game of Thrones inspired roleplay sim. No need to have any previous experience or knowledge. We have active roleplay any time of the day, but if you're seeking us out, we have special "roleplay" hours from 2-5 pm Grid Time each day.

Lots of updates happening here in Westeros: fly on a dragon, sail the ocean by boat, and find the secrets hidden within cities!

Now open ! Come and have a look.

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Reviews (1)
Overall Rating:
Confrator Maximus Missing the place, Westeros was a true home for all of us true roleplayers. We built the whole continent sim with our bare hands, prim by prim, for about a year and a half. The things that happened there are buried with the ending of GCG, sadly.

Region Comments

Great sim, only if you are on ultra graphics you get shadow of the lower platform on the ground, i think they have to be above 2500 or higher so people with ultra don't get the shadows below...