We all have different viewpoints and priorities. I consider my online time to be a precious resource. I love to build landscapes….. and to visit other builds.
For me personally, many times I would rather pay a Kitely merchant a couple dollars and have exactly what I want instantly versus spending countless hours searching all over the hypergrid.
I have no problem with people who prefer not to buy; however, I do have a problem with those who say “never buy in open sim” if it saves me time and let’s me do what I want to do in my virtual life.
I can use those same hours to enjoy building a landscape, something I dearly love.
I am aware that every single product on kitely is probably available for free somewhere in open sim, but searching countless hours is not how I enjoy spending my time.
I would also mention Luna and also Kayaker Magic are outstanding merchants….providing quality products and amazing customer service if you have questions.
Sure I use freebie stores, but have used Kitely a lot….and I appreciate the time it has saved!