Starbase Kadour Haarets

Starbase Kadour Haarets
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10 months ago
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The space storm came out of the Horse Head nebula catching the Star Ship Kadour Haarets in it's powerful winds and carrying it into a wormhole vortex. While being thrust through the vortex a large meteor narrowly missed them clipping one of the engines leaving it barely operable. When the ordeal was over and they emerged from the vortex, their ships instruments indicated that they had traveled from AD 2157 to BC 6513. The meteor emerged ahead of the ship and demolished a small planet but also created a clear way to travel through the ensuing onslaught of asteroids created from the remains of the planet. The meteor along with a tail of asteroids, missed one planet after but hit the next damaging it severely and raining down asteroids that pelted the planet's surface mercilessly. By all calculations they did not have enough fuel to attempt a wormhole that could take them home and, in fact, not even enough fuel to maintain orbit for more than a year. Trapped, they orbited the planet as the monitored the storms and weather changes, and a planet that had been covered by flood waters from the damage caused by the meteor, slowly began to show regions of open land and dry land, finally enough for them to attempt a safe landing. After a mostly safe landing as they had crashed but from a "safe" distance to preserve life aboard the ship, they set out to explore this strange new world, this strange dangerous world which they called Kadour Haarets.

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