Free Port Adult

Free Port
Added by :
Nexus Storm
Created :
2 years ago
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Free Port Steampunk Freebie Role Play and Club Region. Lots of great free High End items from Neverworld Designers , clothing , household, Christmas as well as HG and Petite clothing through to the basic items everyone needs Heads Bodies Shoes Hair.
Freeport is set in the Steampunk times Where technology meets Magic ,So if your A Pirate, Elf, Witch or Wizard you may find something great here.

Free Port Christmas Shop , if you need anything to finish off for Christmas we have a great range of free items for you . Also candle shop, cake shop, designer clothing as well as Petite and HG clothing all set in a Steam punk Themed Sim. Please give the sim time to rez its big with lots of free items .
Free Port Joins bountiful Continent , you can now fly between Free Port , All Free Shopping Spree and Advantis all within the Huge Bountiful continent region of Neverworld. Come check out Free Port lots of great seasonal free items as well as Hour Glass , Petite and normal sized clothes. Port
Free Port Server move is now finished sim is now a lot faster so come check out the little shops , Christmas/ Seasonal Shop , Candle Shop , Rugs Bakery as well as the normal great clothing items including Petite and Hour Glass clothing. So come check out Free Port . Other Events happening soon Free Port will be joining Bountiful Continent a truly huge continent of free land for Neverworld residents , we will let you know when we have moved . Anyone wanting more info on free land (Neverworld Residents) or how to join the grid feel free to contact me in world . Dont forget to check out our other great Freebie sims Free Shopping Spree Port III
Free port should now be set to copy , the purchase option is still live but will not work till our server is updated, so please use the copy option. If you have problems please send me a note card in world Nexus Storm and I will try and help. And dont forget our other great sims Free Shopping Spree Port III

Tristan Dehaie: Superb place! Lots of beautiful things including for male avatars which is rare. But impossible to have a copy or have a deliver. Bug? Another problem ...? I hope it will be settled soon. 2 years ago
DJ Gov playing Sat 9/3 1pm SLT , come check out Steamy,s Speak Easy in the Steampunk City of Free Port. Come join us at the Steampunk Freebie City of Freeport , Dance and Shop have some fun lots of great items here to copy and enjoy from Neverworld Designers and other items from across the open Grid (Please Copy Items) So come enjoy our opening Event with Dj Gov !!!
One of our great little shops created by Pasha Theas her designs live on in Free Port ,She may be gone but never forgotten. Pasha was a designer in real life as well as virtual life and you can see and share in these unique designs at Free Port. Port (most items and clothing now at Free Port are set to copy please let me know in world Nexus Storm if you have problems with anything)

Free port Harbor area by night , I love to play around with lights so when you visit check out the sim by night.

DJ Gov playing Sat 9/3 1pm SLT , come check out Steamy,s Speak Easy in the Steampunk City of Free Port.

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I couldn't teleport, says it is a private region and I don't have access. :(
Hi Star sorry about that , the server that the sim is on has been having some problems, I will try and get it working fully again asap. I checked all the zones on the sim they are set to public. Sorry for the problems.
Very nicely done and quite enjoyable to shop here. Awesome job!
landed in water
Sorry She a , the lost jawa is supposed to pick everyone up in his boat , bet he was in the Pub again I will have words with him