Moonlit Shadows

Moonlit Shadows
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Created :
4 years ago
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Beautifully landscaped nature region for riding horses, walking or exploring. Enjoy the sites and sounds on this 4x4 region. Multiple waterfalls, trails, caves and a lazy river to enjoy.

Moonlit Shadows has a new grid location. Please update your landmarks, and we hope to see you again soon.

Hop in an inner tube and follow the lazy river.

Moonlit Shadows is waiting for you to explore. This 4x4 region is all about nature. Take a quiet stroll around the many trails or can ride one of the horses. Maybe you prefer to hop in one of the boats and tour the waterways around the region. I'd love to hear you comments and feedback. Thank you for visiting Moonlit Shadows.

Morning Light

A quiet spot. One of many scattered around Moonlit Shadows. Find your spot, and return for quiet reflection. All are welcome.
Thank you for visiting Moonlit Shadows.

Mountain Trails

Horse Back Trail Riding

Beach Walk

Top of the Waterfall

The Trails in the hills

Trail along the river. Come for a stroll.

Trail Waterfall on Moonlit Shadows

Moonlit Shadows Main waterfall.

Lazy River

One of Many Waterfall views.

Sit a while and just enjoy.

Explore the Caves

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Last checked:
2 years ago

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Reviews (3)
Overall Rating:
KylaAllen One of the prettiest natural landscapes in OS. Love this place!
Bink Draconia Moonlit Shadows is one of the most amazing landscapes I have ever seen in a virtual world. A "must-visit" for those who like exploring winding mountain paths (you can also take a horse with 2 seats at the landing point). The region is a large 4x4 Var, so it is almost impossible to see everything in ...

Region Comments

Well done, it is certainly is a beautiful natural landscape, so wonderful to ride a horse.
Thank you so much
Beautiful landscape - congrats!
Sorry to all those that weren't able to access the region. There was a slight mix up that has been fixed. Please try again. Thank you ~Lily~
why is region set on private access only?
We apologize for the mix up. The region is now open. We do hope you return.
thanks for your fast help. really beautiful region!
a beautiful region, but it would be nicer if you could enter it
There was a slight hiccup that has been fixed. We hope you try again.
this is a really nice place. You can ride along the trail, explore the cave or just relax at the sea.Beautiful and detailed region. thx for sharing this place