Opensim Memorial Gardens

Opensim Memorial Gardens
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~~~ Forever In Our Hearts~~~
New to virtual -- have your ever lost a virtual friend and wanted a peaceful place to honor them? Our memorial gardens feature free plots to set up a memorial for your friend or loved one, and at no cost. Members can use a memorial kit to set their plot.

If you just want a place of reflection, wander our gardens and places to pray.

Memorial Service for Pasha Theas
Where: Opensim Memorial Gardens
When: 3 years ago [1 Aug 2021 14:00 SLT]

Please join us in the Gardens for a celebration memorial service for Pasha Theas, who passed onto to another realm on 7/6/21. Readings and memories followed by a selection of her favorite music to be held at the Solitude Memorial Venue. Pasha was well known throughout virtual, she was a creative artist in real life and virtual for many years, including fashion designer and virtual landscape architect with no compare. Opensim Memorial Gardens venue is opened to anyone to use for memorial services, in addition, there is an area for making permanent memorials in honor of someone you have lost.

If you knew Pasha, you will want to attend. Dress - semi formal.

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