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Fae Farms Adult

I really loved the beautiful landscaping you have done here. Climbing up the hill along the beautiful paths, to the beautiful cottages scattered around, so much detail has gone into everything! Absolute pleasure to visit.
Awesome place i enjoyed being there
How do you get to satyr farms or can you even get there anymore
A pleasure to visit. Lovely place and a lot of love was put on the work.
lovely region wel done love the details
Gorgeous build! Really well laid out and easy to navigate as well, thanks for sharing!
really nice sim :)
So Pretty and nice job done with creating pretty region.
with or without the region name.... No regions found with that name. Can't even get to the grid default region.
it said no region found :(
Bonito lugar, ótimas paisagens! Super recomendo para quem curte natureza e um local sossegado!
She's the sweetest <3 and such a beautiful grid!
Well, apparently others can tp in and out of my grid, its only me who cant. So give it a go :)
Sorry to say that due to a new modem (which doesn't have NAT loopback), my grid will be inaccessible for an indefinite time. It does show online on this website, but until i can figure how to work around the NAT issue, (or buy another new modem) nobody can tp in and I can't tp out.
Lovely environment I enjoyed my visit very much
Very nice place and super attractive hope mine comes out as nice as yours is.
This is really, really beautiful. I love the hillside landscaping and the blended in SatyrFarm in particular ^^
thanks everyone for the encouraging comments, and I sure will come and check out Southern Oasis and MistyH's farm :)
So beautiful Elaine!! :) You are welcome to Southern Oasis anytime ~ we have very similar tastes! I really enjoyed my stay. Wonderful job - I will be back to visit often :D
I love this. Elaine You have done a great JOB!!!
such a well done sim and thank you for all the wonderful copy/export items. From one landscaper to another (and I've been on a block for a long time)...you created an inspiration! Thank you!
Loved the landscaping and the small details you put into creating your land and it entices a person to want to explore further into your creation. I also loved how you created your 3 farms so they were not together and to Thank You as well for opening up your land for others to enjoy and also for the beautiful freebies that you have all around your land. Keep up the great work !!!