Hello SheaButter, Novale is a private region open to visitors, we have no residents beyond the owner team. Novale is not a shopping region however you do not need to be a member of the region to take a copy of the items that are copyable. Anyone can take a copy of the DoubleBass skeleton player in the Castle's Ballroom. If you are taking about the musicians that are on the stage of the dancing palace, these are not objects but NPCs. I am not offering those. You can create them yourself. To do them I use a skeleton avatar that I have bought on Kitely market, a duster coat that can be found in must shopping mall and halloween masks that I found a while ago at foundation grid.
I am not sharing all my creations but you can find some of them at the little curiosity shoppe. With respect to the many other objects that are in Novale and created by others, I tend to leave them with full permission if this is how they were offered originally.