KrisTina: prims lag region size really doesn't 2 years ago

its Christmas at the University so why dont you come celebrate

Check out the sleigh that u can sit in and whatever other naughty things you can think of

The University now has a horse stable to put your pony's in

Added this bungalow to the outside of the BDSM college, now you can relax after a day of learning. when i got it the furniture was unscripted. I have scripted everything to best I could.

due to not much activity before shut down in drive-in I may take it out and use it for something else. can I get thoughts on it if i should shut it down?


the issue with my regions showing offline even tho there online is still being fixed. other regions in the grid are having the same issues. please be patient while they are being fixed.

I am looking for a dj that would be available once a month to dj, for a couple of hours and donate there time. If interested please shoot me a message. I will temporally dj until regular dj can come back or i find a new one,

The Drive-in Theater is back, a few things need to be re added but in the mean time enjoy the show

river fishing game was added, feel free to check it out, no gloebits are given as there still down

Just a friendly reminder, to keep your land please re click the mail box after 60 days. if you dont then it will be refunded and all items will be returned.

I am looking for a dj or live entertainer for the grand opening of the new welcome region. Please message me if interested.

Update, virtual beach is back online, if you experience any issues please let me know. will work more tonight on figuring out the issue.

Virtual beach is down for unknown reasons, will work as fast as i can to fix it. Thank you for your patients.