Poguelandia Adult


Added by :
Edward Ashford
Created :
2 years ago
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"Poguelandia" was a fictional name of an Island that a group of teenagers were marooned on, in a Netflix series titled, "Outer Banks".

Beach, swimming area, fire pit, bungalows, dance platform.
Come here to enjoy some beach activities.

Had the SSL/TLS connection setup, though it was not working properly.

Greetings, happy sixth cycle or preparation day, until dawn. My music stream is available again. To play the music stream open this: http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778/stream/2/ in your media player or add it to your region/parcel music URL field. The stream URL can be played on most media players and even in web browsers. Although the web browsers will not show the track information. Firestorm uses FMOD which plays the streams.

If you would like to see what is playing, open this: http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778 in your web browser.

Thank you, Shalom

If you play http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778 directly in your media player, it will play the Audio book that I have streaming from my server, "No More Sleepless Nights".
Greetings, Shabbat Shalom, I have my music stream up again. To play the music stream open this: http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778/stream/2/ in your media player or add it to your region/parcel music URL. The stream URL can be played on most media players.

If you would like to see what is playing, open this: http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778 in your web browser.

Thank you, Shalom

If you play http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778 directly in your media player, it will play the Audio book that I have streaming from my server, "No More Sleepless Nights".

LaviaLavine: Shabbat Shalom!! Baruch Ha'ba B'shem Adonai. 6 months ago
Greetings, I have my stream up again. To play my music stream open this: http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778/stream/2/ in your media player.
The stream URL can be played on most media players.

If you would like to see what is playing, open this: http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778 in your web browser.

Thank you, Shalom
Greetings, since I have the SSL/TLS connection setup on my regions with an extra Cert on WinAcme, it renews the Certs every few months, and then I have to import the private key it into the Windows Store, then export the PFX Cert again. Which is what the regions utilize for the SSL/TLS connection.

So you may not be able to teleport to my regions till I complete that. Will try to get that done soon, though you can still listen to my SHOUTcast stream from any region/parcel that you own or are renting, and/or listen to it through your favorite media player on your computer or mobile device which supports Stream URL's. Plus it is possible to listen to it on your web browser, though that is not ideal. If you use Brave on your mobile device, it has a setting now that can enable it to keep playing media when you switch to another app, but keep Brave open in the background.

http://grid.toallchurches.net:7778 or

Edward Ashford: Teleporting to my regions is now possible again. Thank you. 1 years ago

Have my SHOUTcast stream up all night. Listen at my regions or on your favorite media player at:


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Boring and dull. No landscaping whatsoever. No atmosphere. Old Linda Kelly stuff