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Italian Tuscany inspirated land. Visit and discover the town of San Crispino. You can ride a horse through the beautiful countryside and discover breathtaking places. Stay tuned also for our Events in the Alter Ego club or Village festivals.
We are

Grazie a tutti gli organizzatori al dj e a tutti i partecipanti per la bellissima compagnia alla festa dell'uva. Che il bacco sia con voi ;)

Festa dell'Uva - Wine village festival
Where: Atlantica
When: 3 years ago [10 Oct 2021 13:00 SLT]

A San Crispino - Atlentica- ha luogo la prima festa tradizionale dell’uva. Dopo diversi mesi di duro lavoro in campi, frutteti e vigneti, è arrivato finalmente il tempo per concludere la stagione della raccolta e celebrare la festa del ringraziamento come si deve.
Vi aspettiamo per ballare e divertirci insieme in cascina con DJ Massimo Rhapsody.
Vi aspettiamo....

In San Crispino - Atlantica - the first traditional wine festival takes place. After several months of hard work in fields, orchards and vineyards, the time has finally come to end the harvest season and celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday properly.
We are waiting for you to dance and have fun together in the farmhouse with DJ Massimo Rhapsody.
We are waiting for you ....

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Region Comments

Do not bother trying to access this region.
It is set to not allow any public access.
Which really makes you wonder why it is even listed on this site.
Since the sites rules do specify that it has to be accessible to the public, and hyper gridders.