Gateway to the Stars


The sim has multi-levels: a HQ level (ground level), a planet-side level, and a space station level. All builds were hand crafted. You won't find any cookie cutter crap here. There's even a shuttle ride that will take you to each level to explore. There are hidden areas that are open for access but you would need to explore to see them. If you just sit at the welcome area, you won't see much. The HQ actually spans 4 sims and has everything from gardens to exploratory science labs. And you can even sit down and put up your feet to watch a trek-based movie on one of the multiple TV medias set up around each level. It's really a nice place to wander around and explore.

5 years ago - mark as helpful (8) - report

Another newbie woke up (Steve something) who was never at sim , and by personal problems with one, the one thought to add no stars here How dumb is that to review a region (btw..the one doesnt has one his own). OS gets weirder and weirder lol.
Edit: The one blocked me right after I tried to ask about it. Interesting. So this means it was just for harassing..Poor soul.

2 months ago - mark as helpful (7) - report

Otto vonOtter
The Sim is built "oldschool", without meshes, but thats only to reduce Lag. Back in the 60's they didn't have meshes yet and there is a whole universe on just 1 sim, that has to handle dozens of people and thousands of prims. So shut up haters, many people have fun there with the roleplay and for HG visitors it's an experience.

5 years ago - mark as helpful (7) - report

Really got to know Copper today chatting with him over a mishap Great person very helpful & understanding :)

3 years ago - mark as helpful (6) - report

first time in my life i see something so badly made,without imagination without vision

5 years ago - mark as helpful (5) - report

Xazha Halsey
I have actually taken a tour of this wonderful place and found it to be quite fantastic! If you are into a community based roleplay in a sci-fi setting, Gateway to the Stars is the cream of the crop. It obviously took years in the making and Copper made most of it himself, including the scripts. This is not a place where you will find all the ordinary free stuff lying around; It is a very unique and extraordinary build, with realistic sci-fi atmospheres. I am not a Trekie, but if I were, it would be here: Beam me up! A great place
to call home. It is worth your while to take a tour because there is so very much to see and they can show you (in a few hours) the main points on vast levels of space that you may not find on your own, including places that admittance to is rewarded through role play, so the average visitor would not be able to enter. It is truly a special place with high quality builds and wonderful private living spaces. Thanks for sharing this awesome place!

5 years ago - mark as helpful (5) - report

Nick TheGreek
Yea copper nothing i see you visit every time to greeklife if you dont like the greeklife stay away from there sit down and spin your eggs. so pls never come to greeklife again your a big fat banned from greeklife about 2 years now so stay away from greeklife and and keep your jealous for you . Learning first how you can bulding good regions not like this one this one looking like a black hole lolllllllllll

5 years ago - mark as helpful (5) - report

Gateway to the stars may be called "old school", but I would challenge any of you to create anything even similar to Gateway to the Stars with only prims. Keep your mesh, your bells and whistles, and nasty comments for someone that cares about what you think. GTTS is an awesome region. If you want to play video games, then buy an X-Box.

3 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Jack McHaferty
Gateway to the stars is not your ordinary region. Role-play is based on Star Trek military protocol, just as it has been on the Star Trek series throughout time, and it is taken seriously when taking place. Painstaking work has gone into the build which took years to create, and which is still taking place. One earns rank, and is proud to have earned it. It is a learning experience, and a wonderful place to call home. Copper Tomsen is tells you like it is, but he is very fair with those who actually take the role play seriously. I highly suggest visiting Gateway to the Stars. It is a true piece of art.

3 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Thank you for your lovely review, Hugabug! It is wonderful to know you enjoyed your visit. Much work has gone into not only the design of the space station, which is all original, but also the creation of the processes of each division and its personnel. It is unlike any other. I am very proud to be a member of Universe Fleet. and I thank you very much for coming.

3 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Rogue Galaxy
I had a personal tour of this region a little while ago. I absolutely loved it! Great concept and no mesh! It's how it use to be back in the day! Very well built region! Great ideas here and loved my "shuttle" ride! Check it out, you wont be disappointed! Tell Copper that I sent you! ;)

3 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Joe Builder
Not a negative comment but Star Trek is based in space not lots of building on the ground. I suppose different people have different views on how it should look.
There is places (grids) that have lots of ships and one can role play in space as it should be. But it does have a sense of star trek within Gateway on the ground.

5 years ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

If I could give it -5 stars I would. It's very dated. No Mesh. Sucky design. You can tell they didn't spend much time on it just by the fact some buildings have nothing in them. I guess the owner couldn't be bothered. The space ship uses outdated graphics that are stretched everywhere on the computer read outs and really look horrible. It's like who did they build this for? Maybe a three year old would enjoy it, if they were half blind and didn't care about oh... anything. I've seen better sims from complete noobs that stick two prims together. Real sim design takes effort and patience and love, and obviously none of that was included here. Zero stars because it doesn't go lower. Waste of electricity.

3 months ago - mark as helpful (1) - report