Fest 2019

Fest 2019
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Created :
6 years ago
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From the ashes of AvatarFest it is with great pleasure we would like to announce Opensim Fest rising like a phoenix. Opensim Fest is the celebration of the strength and diversity of the hypergrid user community. For the community, by the community. The format, the idea and the aims of Opensim Fest will stay true to AvatarFest and we hope to be worthy custodians for Han and Eryn.

We do not represent corporations, companies nor grids – we are the customers, users, builders and dreamers who live out here, sharing our dreams and creations with one another.

More information: https://opensimfest.org

30 people at the Opensim Fest 2019 load test .. come and join us

Opensim Fest Load Test and Live DJ Event
Where: Fest 2019
When: 6 years ago [23 Feb 2019 12:00 SLT]

To coin a historical phrase "Opensim Fest needs you" not for war but for a grid/region load test. With the Fest happening very soon we need some help from the Opensimulator community testing the region under load. So we are inviting you to come along to the load test this coming Saturday (23rd February) @ 12PM PST/8PM GMT.

We will have a DJ to get the region a rocking and stress it out. If you are free come along and help to load test the region. We greatly appreciate the help and will give us an idea

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Reviews (2)
Overall Rating:
Timeka Cobb Kudos to the entire team for OpensimFest! Great space of very cool folks. Looking forward to seeing more of it while its up :)
Massey love The Open sim Fest a Lot of good work was put in it and well thought out. thank you all for sharing Mental health and cancer build was a great. There so Much to see all the loving care people but in too it .

Region Comments

I want to say thank you to all the people who worked so hard to bring all of us together in open sim. We are people from all countries in the world who have virtual lives for many reasons. At time it can be very lonely for some, and finding a way to come together is a wonderful thing!! Yes there was lag and crashes but there were fabulous exhibits that creators brought for all of us to enjoy! There were amazing entertainers, the best in open sim and SL!! I found friends there that I hadn't seen in months and met new friends and despite the issues, I had a wonderful time and so did nearly every other person I spoke to :) So, I look forward to Open Sim Fest in 2020 and hope that more of us join the efforts of the committee to make it a bigger and better event for everyone!! Hugs all around! Harmony Beningborough, Discovery Grid
love The Open sim Fest a Lot of good work was put in it and well thought out thank you all for sharing Mental health and cancer build was a great add In on .
I can't connect to the region. I get the message "No regions found with that name." from the map
Unfortuantely there are issues with the rgion, there has been restarts and hopefully it will settle soon, so keep trying in about 15 min interevals
Ok, thank you for the information. I will try tomorrow, as it still does not work :)
try now, it is back online :))