Becca has got to be one of the rudest people I have come across thus far. I was ejected and banned for no reason and this seems to be a common theme she follows. It seems that she doesn't understand the context of what she is interpreting, therefore resulting in poor communication skills that result in hostile outbursts and region bans. She does understand English very well. The coldness associated with the ban does not represent the general nature of sim owners I have come in contact with and to say her attitude is pompous would be an understatement. I guess at the end of the day she is allowed to operate her sim the way she pleases, even though Joesph Stalin would manage and operate his sim very similarly. That is if he were still alive and if the soviet union survived and its principles/purpose had not failed. I wouldn't go back to this sim even if unbanned, and if you happen to end up in a similar situation like me (and others that have mentioned similar issues) ...just don't say I didn't tell you so when she freezes your avatar and makes your firestorm viewer crash.... As she is snickering about the freezing and crashing when makes you then come to realize that she has all the power in her virtual world...