Virtuality Welcome

Virtuality Welcome
Added by :
Alauriana Infiniti-Logan
Created :
7 years ago
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Welcome to Virtuality....where the possibilities are infinite. Enjoy the community atmosphere, the friendly international community and the stress free environment.

*Money Tree (for new members)
*Destination Guide
*Creator's Fair
*Ruth & R0th Mesh Bodies

Welcome Home Party
Where: Virtuality Welcome
When: 6 years ago [12 Jan 2019 10:00 SLT]

Welcome Home Ali
Party on 12.1.2019 at the Welcome Sim
Motto welcome Home Ali Party .
DJ Andy likes to play the songs with request.
all are invited ...

Start 10 o'clock grid time ...

Our new Community Center for meetings and gatherings.

Visit our Creator's Fair to see the latest trends in fashion from our designers.

Freebie area stocked full.

Freebie's for visitors and our new members. Items from our own creator's as well as from a few other places. Ruth and R0th bodies both featured here.

Learn about Virtuality in our new Info Center.

Billboards to help you learn where to create an avatar, buy land or view our new Destination Guide.

Newly designed Virtuality Welcome Island.

Christmas with DJ Johnny
Where: Virtuality Welcome
When: 7 years ago [23 Dec 2017 11:00 SLT]

Impromptu set with DJ Johnny on our own Welcome Island. Come enjoy some hot cocoa, wonderful holiday music and amazing company!!

DJ Kirsten Rockin' the Island
Where: Virtuality Welcome
When: 7 years ago [3 Dec 2017 10:00 SLT]

DJ Kirsten will be spinning your fave's and taking requests for the morning! Come enjoy her music and company!! All are welcome to come enjoy our friendly, community atmosphere and find out why Virtuality is fast becoming one of THE best places to be!!

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Last checked:
4 years ago

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Upcoming Events
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Reviews (3)
Overall Rating:
Shanti Great Grid, Friendly atmosphere love it there
LilyRose Awesome place. Friendly people
Sheila Devonshire Virtuality is 1 year old!!! The Birthday Party started today 19th and continues throughout the weekend on 10/21! Everyone is welcome!! Dj's, Sploders, Fashion Show On Sunday!! - Come on by and visit a while. Could even win a Sim for a Year! Allot going on :) We hope to see you there!

Region Comments

So many lovely Sims around the Welcome

Great work Leah Leidrow
Leah does wonderful work and we all love her :-)
Johnny & June Cash have landed here and WE LOVE IT! Such friendly and helpful people! Come by and visit - You are welcome anytime!
Love this place Friendly people, family oriented, Great Creators, just all around nice grid to visit and and call home