Xenon Darrow @xenondarrow

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002 Offline

There is no spoon. The cake is a lie. 42. Just a virtual girl in a virtual world. I am on a great adventure. Come along and walk with me.

Come experience the Stonehenge Club at Wolf Territories Grid in OpenSim!
DJ Xenon Darrow will be playing a mix of pop, rock, and more at this event! Our new welcome area is now #2 on OSW! Come see this spectacular build by none other than Jimmy Olsen and be immersed in his venue creation: The Stonehenge Club!
Feb 22, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM grid time
See ya there!
grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area
Click the Stonehenge sign to get to the club!
This is SO exciting! Lone came up with this amazing idea for a collaborative workspace for Wolf Territory region residents! The fabulous Jimmy Olsen took it on and works his elven magic, and it EXPLODED with popularity! It turned out so cool that Lone made it the new Welcome region!

Today, we made 3rd place on OpenSim World! Go Lone! Go US! And GO YOU for making it so! Now, come join the family!


Hicks: bravo! 4 days ago
I lied. We partying. Now.


grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area

Wolf Territories has a NEW WELCOME Area with Club Stonehenge!

DJ Xenon Darrow will be spinning for you with an eclectic mix of upbeat and driving pop and rock! Come on out, celebrate, and be sure to check out the entire region on the bus or train!

But most of all, GET READY TO PARTY & HOWL @ THE MOON!

TWO shows: 11 am & 7 pm grid time!
SAVE THE DATE!!! February 8, 2025

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Territories Grid Welcome Area

Wolf Territories has a NEW WELCOME Area with Club Stonehenge!

DJ Xenon Darrow will be spinning for you with an eclectic mix of upbeat and driving pop and rock! Come on out, celebrate, and be sure to check out the entire region on the bus or train!

But most of all, GET READY TO PARTY & HOWL @ THE MOON!

TWO shows: 11 am & 7 pm grid time!

Wolf Territories Community Meeting starts momentary! Come on out and learn about some cool tech! grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Workspace

Xenon Darrow: It was so fun and gratifying to see so many people running about and grabbing their workspaces! 1 month ago
If you have been keeping up with the weather in the US, you know that about half of the US is dealing with blizzards, sub freezing temperatures severe enough to challenge infrastructures, and peripheral states are dealing with flooding and electrical infrastructure challenges. Two of our presenters had to bow out due to last minute inclement weather, and my own electricity is VERY sketchy. We have experienced power surges in my city for over 24 hrs, with uncertain relief. Sadly, I live in a state that has puffed out their chest about being off the federal grid, and in the last 10 years, we have paid dearly for that.

We are committed to this. We will reschedule sometime after the Hypergrid World's Fair, where WolfTEC will be have a presence! We hope to see you all there!

Star Ravenhurst: I am sorry you are having power issues where you are. I am surprised my power has stayed on as we all got a lot of snow in northeast Texas. I haven't seen this much snow in this state since...never. ... 1 month ago
As we inch closer to the WolfTec Learning Conference beginning this Saturday, I have updated the website with the locations for all the events:

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:WolfTEC Campus
grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Calypso Island
grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Europa University
grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Workspace

See the updated website @ wolftec.wolf-grid.com
And see you at the conference!

victorialogan: interesting proposal, welcome. 1 month ago
It's almost here! The first WolfTEC Learning Conference, January 11 & 12, 2025!
Digital Frontiers in Virtual World Education

You can learn everything you need to know about the Conference at:

- Two extensive poster sessions
- Workshops
- Tech Talks
- Networking / social hour
- After party

We have room for more posters! Please reach out to Xenon Darrow in Wolf Territories or send an email to: vdickenson@gmail.com. I am also available on Discord - Xenon Darrow. We would love to hear your personal learning experiences and / or your research.

See you at the conference!
I am thrilled and honored to be ringing in the New Year at the Wolf Pack @ Wolf Territories!

Come on out and share yourselves! Have an experience of family!

And most of all, have an amazing New Year's wherever you may be!

8 PM - 10 PM


grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Wolf Pack/437/539/27
UPDATE: OSW did something to my link. Use the link below to copy/paste into the browser to see the page.

Hey graphic artists out there ...what is this effect called?


Designer used to provide it, but they took it out.. I am looking for a a free or nearly free replacement, where I can drop images in and it does this.

Debby Dawn: Its a simple mistake in the addres URL, Im sure its meant to be https://sites.google.com/affordable-green.us/msdesigner/home 2 months ago
Hey guys...what is this effect called?

Designer used to provide it, but they took it out.. I am looking for a a free or nearly free replacement, where I can drop images in and it does this.
WolfTEC Learning Conference 1.0: Digital Frontiers in Virtual World Education

Join us on January 11 & 12, 2025. It is a great time for the hypergrid to be waking up to the new year!

We will be hosting a variety of events at a variety of locations designed for educational experiences! We are looking for the following:
- Poster Sessions (templates and assistance provided)
- Speakers (30-45 min) (Assistance with presentation slides and posters provided)
- Interactive workshops (1 - 1.5 hrs) Curriculum and media support, coaching provided, assistance with facilitation provided upon request.

Come share your educational projects and efforts throughout OpenSim!
Contact Xenon Darrow with your information and interest!

Information and presentation forms are at the website:

Landmarks and videos are available to review poster setups. Templates and assistance provided.

Late, but the sentiment remains the same! Much love to you all!

At 2 pm grid time, I will be speaking on the VWEC panel at OSCC! I would love to see you there!

WolfTEC Learning Conference 1.0: Digital Frontiers in Virtual World Education

Our dates have changed to January 11 & 12, 2025. It is a great time for the hypergrid to be waking up to the new year!

We will be hosting a variety of events at a variety of locations designed for educational experiences! We are looking for the following:
- Poster Sessions (templates and assistance provided)
- Speakers (30-45 min) (Assistance with presentation slides and posters provided)
- Interactive workshops (1 - 1.5 hrs) Curriculum and media support, coaching provided, assistance with facilitation provided upon request.

Come share your educational projects and efforts throughout OpenSim!
Contact Xenon Darrow with your information and interest!

The conference starts @ 9 am grid time each morning, with the poster sessions on the first two hours of each morning.

There will be sessions throughout the day, with a 30 min break in between morning and afternoon.

The conference will end each day by 4 pm grid time, following by social / networking hours and/or parties.

Information and presentation forms are at the website:

Landmarks and videos are available to review poster setups. Templates and assistance provided.

Celebrating One Year with the VWEC in OpenSim!

Join us on November 14th at 10:00 AM (Grid Time) for the VWEC Hypergrid Tour as we celebrate VWEC’s first anniversary—Coney Island style!

Step into New York’s iconic playground with Kimm Starr's Virtual Vignette Tour of Coney Island Amusement Park. For decades, Coney Island was the go-to escape for New Yorkers, and now, you can explore it in OpenSim! While still a work in progress, Kimm will share valuable insights, tips, free and paid for resources for creating immersive, historical builds that can enrich virtual education.

This tour is more than a history lesson—it’s about making history come alive! Using Google Earth for precise mapping, Kimm has recreated iconic Coney Island landmarks at scale to offer a true 3D journey into the past.
You’ll also get an exclusive preview of the new and exciting animesh programming kit, The Animaster, a true game changer in education and then some. The brain child of Cooper Swizzle, Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa and Christine Nyn of Nynja Custom Scripts.

After the tour, stick around as Rosa Alekseev spins your favorite hits from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

Event Details:
When: November 14th at 10:00 AM (Grid Time)
Where to meet: VWEC Kitely Hub hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie%20II/119/148/25
Or go directly to Coney Island: hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/VIRTUAL%20VIGNETTE/520/413/33

Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore, learn, and celebrate with us!


Celebrating One Year with the VWEC in OpenSim!

Join us on November 14th at 10:00 AM (Grid Time) for the VWEC Hypergrid Tour as we celebrate VWEC’s first anniversary—Coney Island style!

Step into New York’s iconic playground with Kimm Starr's Virtual Vignette Tour of Coney Island Amusement Park. For decades, Coney Island was the go-to escape for New Yorkers, and now, you can explore it in OpenSim! While still a work in progress, Kimm will share valuable insights, tips, free and paid for resources for creating immersive, historical builds that can enrich virtual education.

This tour is more than a history lesson—it’s about making history come alive! Using Google Earth for precise mapping, Kimm has recreated iconic Coney Island landmarks at scale to offer a true 3D journey into the past.
You’ll also get an exclusive preview of the new and exciting animesh programming kit, The Animaster, a true game changer in education and then some. The brain child of Cooper Swizzle, Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa and Christine Nyn of Nynja Custom Scripts.

After the tour, stick around as Rosa Alekseev spins your favorite hits from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

Event Details:
When: November 14th at 10:00 AM (Grid Time)
Where to meet: VWEC Kitely Hub hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie%20II/119/148/25
Or go directly to Coney Island: hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/VIRTUAL%20VIGNETTE/520/413/33

Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore, learn, and celebrate with us!

*Please note that I am out for the rest of the day and tomorrow morning. I am posting this today because I am unable to do so prior to the event.

Celebrating One Year with the VWEC in OpenSim!

Join us on November 14th at 10:00 AM (Grid Time) for the VWEC Hypergrid Tour as we celebrate VWEC’s first anniversary—Coney Island style!

Step into New York’s iconic playground with Kimm Starr's Virtual Vignette Tour of Coney Island Amusement Park. For decades, Coney Island was the go-to escape for New Yorkers, and now, you can explore it in OpenSim! While still a work in progress, Kimm will share valuable insights, tips, free and paid for resources for creating immersive, historical builds that can enrich virtual education.

This tour is more than a history lesson—it’s about making history come alive! Using Google Earth for precise mapping, Kimm has recreated iconic Coney Island landmarks at scale to offer a true 3D journey into the past.
You’ll also get an exclusive preview of the new and exciting animesh programming kit, The Animaster, a true game changer in education and then some. The brain child of Cooper Swizzle, Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa and Christine Nyn of Nynja Custom Scripts.

After the tour, stick around as Rosa Alekseev spins your favorite hits from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

Event Details:
When: November 14th at 10:00 AM (Grid Time)
Where to meet: VWEC Kitely Hub hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie%20II/119/148/25
Or go directly to Coney Island: hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/VIRTUAL%20VIGNETTE/520/413/33

Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore, learn, and celebrate with us!
Come Dance with the Dead!
Celebrate the conclusion of Dia de Los Muertos with DJ Xenon Darrow
Wolf Winter Fest @ Wolf Territories
Sunday, 1 pm grid time

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Winter Fest

Let's play music so loud it calls our ancestors!
WolfTEC proudly presents: La Día de los Muertos
An educational exhibit exclusively at Wolf Winter Fest @ Wolf Territories

Free kits are available for making your own ofrenda (home alter) to honor and invite your ancestors and loved ones to visit when the veil is at its thinnest. Come learn about the ancient origins and continuing evolution of this Nahuan Mesoamerican practice. And enjoy the festival!

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Wolf Winter Fest
WolfTEC Learning Conference 1.0 @ Wolf Territories 1.0 CALL FOR POSTERS & PRESENTATIONS!!!

The planning is well on its way for WolfTEC Educational Conference 1.0 (with much more clever names being considered). More details on the schedule will be announced very soon.

Please fill out your interest in presenting here:

This year will mark the first year of the WolfTEC Learning Conference 1.0 in Wolf Territories, coming Dec 14-15. We will be hosting a variety of events at a variety of locations designed for educational experiences! We are looking for the following:
- Poster Sessions (templates and assistance provided)
- Speakers (30-45 min) (Assistance with presentation slides and posters provided)
- Interactive workshops (Curriculum and media support, coaching provided, assisted with facilitation)

Come share your educational projects and efforts throughout OpenSim!
Contact Xenon Darrow with your information and interest! But be sure to fill out the form!
The conference starts @ 9 am grid time each morning, with the poster sessions on the first two hours of each morning.
There will be sessions throughout the day, with a 45 min break in between morning and afternoon.

The conference will end each day by 4 pm grid time, following by social / networking hours and/or parties.

Specific time slots will be put in at a later date.

Xenon Darrow: @Luna - you DEF need to do a poster session! ;) 4 months ago
It's time to climb into the way back machine to the 70s! Let's take a deep dive into a time when music was large, long, and told fantastic and psychedelic stories!

Join us tonight! Monday, 10/21, @ 5 PM grid time @ Wolf Territories: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Paradise Lost

Come on out to the Playa - a massive and stellar music festival venue, the glorious love child of Woodstock and Tomorrowland, with a bit of Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Wear your best flared jeans, leather jackets, fringe, crop tops, tie dye, aviator sunglasses...and THE HATS! OH THE HATS!
Or just come as you are; we love ya any way you are there!
Tomorrow night, time travel with us to the time of cheap petrol and epic and glam rock! Let's take a deep dive into a time when music was large, long, and told fantastic and psychedelic stories!

Join us on Monday, 10/21, @ 5 PM grid time @ Wolf Territories: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Paradise Lost

Come on out to the Playa - a massive and stellar music festival venue, the glorious love child of Woodstock and Tomorrowland, with a bit of Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Wear your best flared jeans, leather jackets, fringe, crop tops, tie dye, aviator sunglasses...and THE HATS! OH THE HATS!
Or just come as you are; we love ya any way you are there!
WolfTEC Educational Conference @ Wolf Territories 1.0

This year will mark the first year of the WolfTEC Educational Conference in Wolf Territories, coming Dec 14-15. We will be hosting a variety of events at a variety of locations designed for educational experiences! We are looking for the following:
- Poster Sessions (templates and assistance provided)
- Speakers (45 min - 1 hr) (Assistance with presentation slides and posters provided)
- Seminars, Webinars, and Workshops (Curriculum support and coaching provided)

Come share your educational projects and efforts throughout OpenSim!
Contact Xenon Darrow with your information and interest!

Specific time slots will be put in at a later date.
Who is in the mood for a time trip back to the glory of 70s rock and roll! With the evolution of epic rock and the birth of glam rock, let's take a deep dive into a time when music was large, long, and told fantastic and psychedelic stories!

Join us on Monday, 10/21, @ 5 PM grid time @ Wolf Territories: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Paradise Lost

Come on out to the Playa - a massive and stellar music festival venue, the glorious love child of Woodstock and Tomorrowland, with a bit of Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Wear your best flared jeans, leather jackets, fringe, crop tops, tie dye, aviator sunglasses...and THE HATS! OH THE HATS!
Or just come as you are; we love ya any way you are there!


Join the VWEC Hypergrid Tour on September 26th at 10:00 AM Grid Time for an Epic Journey to Europa!

Step into the visionary world of Jimmy Olsen, where imagination knows no bounds! Europa is a futuristic utopia, a dazzling cityscape filled with sci-fi marvels, cutting-edge architecture, and breathtaking innovations. From the sprawling mall to the futuristic gadgets and sleek taxis, Olsen's Europa is a place where creativity and technology collide in spectacular fashion.

But the adventure doesn't stop there! Xenon Darrow will be your guide on this incredible journey, taking you through four of the mesmerizing Sims within Europa. This is your chance to explore new realms, uncover hidden wonders, and immerse yourself in a world that defies the ordinary.

Don't miss this one-of-a-kind experience! Mark your calendars for September 26th at 10:00 AM Grid Time and be part of the VWEC Hypergrid Tour. Ready to be transported?

Come meet at Kitely or Wolf Territories 10 minutes early!

grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie II (If you are rerouted to the Welcome area, look for a link or use this hop again)

If you cannot make it early, come directly to Europa directly.

Join the VWEC Hypergrid Tour on September 26th at 10:00 AM Grid Time for an Epic Journey to Europa!

Step into the visionary world of Jimmy Olsen, where imagination knows no bounds! Europa is a futuristic utopia, a dazzling cityscape filled with sci-fi marvels, cutting-edge architecture, and breathtaking innovations. From the sprawling mall to the futuristic gadgets and sleek taxis, Olsen's Europa is a place where creativity and technology collide in spectacular fashion.

But the adventure doesn't stop there! Xenon Darrow will be your guide on this incredible journey, taking you through four of the mesmerizing Sims within Europa. This is your chance to explore new realms, uncover hidden wonders, and immerse yourself in a world that defies the ordinary.

Don't miss this one-of-a-kind experience! Mark your calendars for September 26th at 10:00 AM Grid Time and be part of the VWEC Hypergrid Tour. Ready to be transported?

Come meet at Kitely or Wolf Territories 10 minutes early!

grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie II (If you are rerouted to the Welcome area, look for a link or use this hop again)

"This has nothing to do with OpenSim."

It has everything to do with OpenSim.

Suzi_Avonside: Good post... The one who has been silenced here recently claims to be a fan of Star Trek... Yet clearly doesn't get Star Trek. 5 months ago

Join the VWEC Hypergrid Tour on September 26th at 10:00 AM Grid Time for an Epic Journey to Europa!

Step into the visionary world of Jimmy Olsen, where imagination knows no bounds! Europa is a futuristic utopia, a dazzling cityscape filled with sci-fi marvels, cutting-edge architecture, and breathtaking innovations. From the sprawling mall to the futuristic gadgets and sleek taxis, Olsen's Europa is a place where creativity and technology collide in spectacular fashion.

But the adventure doesn't stop there! Xenon Darrow will be your guide on this incredible journey, taking you through four of the mesmerizing Sims within Europa. This is your chance to explore new realms, uncover hidden wonders, and immerse yourself in a world that defies the ordinary.

Don't miss this one-of-a-kind experience! Mark your calendars for September 26th at 10:00 AM Grid Time and be part of the VWEC Hypergrid Tour. Ready to be transported?

Star Ravenhurst: This sounds like a lot of fun! 5 months ago
Dress as sexy as you like...or not!

AUGUST 31, 2024;
6 pm grid time

Grand Opening @ Sodom @ Paradise Lost!
DJ Xenon Darrow will spin you a set of sensual & explicitly sexy tunes!

Sodom is a new adult playground & music festival venue! When you enter the gate to Sodom, you step into an underground accentuated by Pleasure & Pain. Leave the mundane vanilla world behind. Open your mind, body, and soul to a new experience. Imagined by Xenon Darrow, this is another spectacular and gorgeous build by Contessa LaCombe, the creator of La Califfa, Desolation, the Playa, The Art Journey, and much more!

You called, we came. We have such sights to show you

grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:Paradise Lost

Ensure you review the rules for Sodom. We have zero tolerance for violations. https://shorturl.at/DeQ02

Xenon Darrow: It's time!!! 6 months ago
!!!!Prepare yourself & SAVE THE DATE!!!!
AUGUST 31, 2024;
6 pm grid time

Grand Opening @ Sodom @ Paradise Lost!
DJ Xenon Darrow will spin you a set of sensual & explicitly sexy tunes!

Sodom is a new adult playground & music festival venue! When you enter the gate to Sodom, you step into an underground accentuated by Pleasure & Pain. Leave the mundane vanilla world behind. Open your mind, body, and soul to a new experience. Imagined by Xenon Darrow, this is another spectacular and gorgeous build by Contessa LaCombe, the creator of La Califfa, Desolation, the Playa, The Art Journey, and much more!

You called, we came. We have such sights to show you

Location to be specified next Saturday, the day of the event.

Passion Jumanji: Yes! Ya'llz must CoMe & play with us! WOOT! ;) 6 months ago
I always wonder...is she weeping because she arrived, or weeping because she is leaving?

Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others.
-- Clive Barker

We have such sights to show you.
-- Clive Barker

Your flesh is killing your spirit.
--- Clive Barker

They yearn for what they fear for.
― Dante Alighieri

It's nearly time.
6 pm grid time
grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Paradise Lost

Break out your tie dye, crochet halter tops, faded bell bottoms, and prepare for a night of psychedelic fantasy! If you ever wished you could go to Woodstock, but missed the window, here's your chance! In this magical desert region, dig the groovy vibes; check in & drop out; make love, not war. Most of all, leave it on the Playa!

DJ Xenon Darrow will guide you on this epic journey of music through the sounds of Woodstock and the epic rock of the late 60s and early 70s.

The Playa would be the beautiful fantasy love child of Woodstock, Burning Man and Tomorrowland with some Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Expansive, larger than life, psychedelic!

6 pm grid time
grid.wolfterritories.org:8002/Paradise Lost

Break out your tie dye, crochet halter tops, faded bell bottoms, and prepare for a night of psychedelic fantasy! If you ever wished you could go to Woodstock, but missed the window, here's your chance! In this magical desert region, dig the groovy vibes; check in & drop out; make love, not war. Most of all, leave it on the Playa!

DJ Xenon Darrow will guide you on this epic journey of music through the sounds of Woodstock and the epic rock of the late 60s and early 70s.

The Playa would be the beautiful fantasy love child of Woodstock, Burning Man and Tomorrowland with some Electric Forest Festival thrown in! Expansive, larger than life, psychedelic!

Before me there was naught created, save
eternal things, and I eternal last;
all hope abandon, ye that enter here!

...And he to me, like one aware, replied:
“All fearfulness must here be left behind;
all forms of cowardice must here be dead.
We ’ve reached the place where, as I said to thee,
thou ’lt see the sad folk who have lost the Good
which is the object of the intellect.”
Then, after he had placed his hand in mine
with cheerful face, whence I was comforted,
he led me in among the hidden things.

-- Dante Alighieri

Join us on August 22rd at 10:00 AM Grid Time for an exclusive sneak peek of the OpenSim World’s Fair, opening March 1st, 2025!

Get a look at what’s coming from all the incredible talented people from all over the hypergrid.

🌐 Why the World’s Fair?

Our mission is to unite grids across OpenSim, celebrating community spirit and showcasing the achievements, innovations, and culture that make our virtual worlds thrive. OpenSim is vast—let's bridge the gaps and show everyone just how expansive and exciting this metaverse truly is!

🔗 Be Part of the Adventure!

We can’t wait to have you on this VWEC Hypergrid Tour. You might even be inspired to exhibit at the fair!

🗺️ Location:

The tour kicks off at the Kitely Hub, please come about 9:50 AM so we can meet the others at the fair : hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie II/122/130/25

Or join us directly at the OpenSim World’s Fair landmark: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:opensim worlds fair

Luna Lunaria: Sorry I missed this, working in RL :-( 6 months ago
In sleep he sang to me, In dreams he came,
That voice which calls to me, And speaks my name.
And do I dream again?
-- Charles Hart, Richard Stilgoe, Mike Batt

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space...
-- Lord Byron

Wake me up
Wake me up inside
I can't wake up
Wake me up inside
Save me
Call my name and save me from the dark...
-- Amy Lee

From darkness did all hunger come,
With passion did all hunger feed,
And so, all passion stems from a darkness...

You solved the box. We came. Now you must come with us. Taste our pleasures.
--- Clive Barker

🚀 Mark Your Calendars 🚀

Join us on August 23rd at 10:00 AM Grid Time for an exclusive sneak peek of the OpenSim World’s Fair, opening March 1st, 2025!

Get a look at what’s coming from all the incredible talented people from all over the hypergrid.

🌐 Why the World’s Fair?

Our mission is to unite grids across OpenSim, celebrating community spirit and showcasing the achievements, innovations, and culture that make our virtual worlds thrive. OpenSim is vast—let's bridge the gaps and show everyone just how expansive and exciting this metaverse truly is!

🔗 Be Part of the Adventure!

We can’t wait to have you on this VWEC Hypergrid Tour. You might even be inspired to exhibit at the fair!

🗺️ Location:

The tour kicks off at the Kitely Hub, please come about 9:50 AM so we can meet the others at the fair : hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Cookie II/122/130/25

Or join us directly at the OpenSim World’s Fair landmark: grid.wolfterritories.org:8002:opensim worlds fair

Kimm Starr: oh Indigo, thank You so much for the kind words! We are doing our best to inspire people to bring their originality and you my girl have so much of it, it would be a shame not to share it with everyo... 6 months ago

We have such sights to show you...

ContessaLacombe: Muahahahahaha.... lol 6 months ago
Last night, I was consumed by a dark dream. I found myself in a dreamscape of a desert plateau, unsure how I arrived.

I was confronted by swirling fog and spirits, as well as a dark figure with a glowing orb. Initially, I was filled with trepidation and the beginnings of true fear; but in the back of my extradimensional consciousness, I sensed that the figure offered not fear. Instead, it was an invitation to a dark and fantastic journey, should I have the courage to embark on it.

I gazed about me and saw a pale horse with a rider. I saw three other horseman, poised above me. Were these the four horsemen I read about in other spiritual guides, harbingers of a coming Apocalypse?

My deeper instincts told me "no" - these horsemen were pleasure, pain, ecstasy. The pale horse was la petit mort, a small death to be sure, but one from which I would resurrect.

This is not the Apocalypse we know of, but one of social norms and constructs and other inhibitions.

Shall I resist this journey?

Star Ravenhurst: When do we leave? :D 6 months ago