HGSafari @HGSafari


Hypergridding Tours in Opensim

New season of Safari begins on January 1 so if you're interested in having us come visit, please leave a DM and read this handy how-to page on the Safari blog. https://hgsafari.blogspot.com/p/tips-on-hosting-safari.htm...
Speaking of the blog, here's the latest
All about celebrating veterans on Neverworld, with Tig Eberdene and Troy Seaknight
Nyx Breen's amazing work with EEP .. and an invitation to you to get involved with collaborative art projects
Tina Bey's upcoming Opening party on SolarPunk
and a look at Plastichansa Bade's freebie pose store and more

As the HG Safari season draws to an end this week, with a big EEP event over on Pangea, here are the latest stories from the Safari blog
The astonishingly photorealistic New Orleans build on Lagniappe Grid
Ange Menges and Nani Ferguson's traditional build every Halloween for the past 12 years or so - always completely different, always open for a very short time, always great prizes!
Aaack Aardvark retired from Opensim recently, after 20 years of virtual. Here's what he had to say about his long run creating original opensim content.

Jerralyn Franzic: Bummer... was trying to find Aaack's store recently. Was wondering why it was down and not accessible. Is there some place in Open Sim... anyone hosting his creations for him or are they gone to the v... 17 days ago